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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Civil War: Sallie Howell to Pembroke Scott, 118th Ohio, 1863
This particular letter was written by Sallie Howell and sent to Pembroke. It reads:
Feb. 18th, 1863
Mr. Scott,
Thinking as you did about writing to some body or some body else I concluded I would write you a few lines telling you about the country and people. Well there has not been much change in the country since you left. I believe the most perceptible is the one caused from the transisition of the seasons when you left-the people were gathering in the harvest-and filling their granaries. Now it is muddy and the farmers are sitting by the fire smoking their pipes and reading the news.
Well, I believe the people are living just as they were when you left, quiet and happy, with the exception of their thoughts for the soldiers that are now so gallantly standing by the old stars and stripes. The banner of our country, and the free government of our own United States of America. But I think we need not fear but that our army will soon triumph.
You desired me to tell you about Phebe, I saw her last Sunday at church. I think she is just as pretty as ever, surely as mischievous. My sisters are all well. Lucy and Beck is going to school they say to remember them to you enthusiasticly and say they wish you were near so that they could visit you and get a good dinner. Harrison? is well and is preparing to go to plowing, he wishes you a safe return home.
Please excuse poor writing and bad spelling. Please write soon.
Yours respectfully, Sallie Howell.
Civil War: Pembroke Scott, 118th Ohio, 1863
He entered the war on August 11, 1862 & was killed May 14, 1864 in the Battle of Resaca, Ga.- the first Major Battle in the campaign for Atlanta.
This particular letter was written by Pembroke's brother and sent to him while he was in Cynthiana, Ky. It reads:
June 3rd, 1863
Fayette Co. (Ohio)
Mr. P.S. Scott,
Dear Brother,
It is with the greatest of pleasure that I seat myself for the purpose of writing you a few lines in answer to those I recieved from you, May the 24. And you may depend your very kind Epistle was gladly recieved by us, we were very anxious to hear from you, & to know that you were well at that line, R.H.S.C.? & myself are well at the present, & we hope when these few comes to hand, that they may find you enjoying the same blessing of life as it is one of the greatest.
We are teaching school this summer, our schools are doing very well, my school some weeks ago averaged 44, but now there is not so many. We had a letter from home some days since, they were all well at that time. I think we will go out there this Summer as soon as our schools are out to see them, as we have not been there since we have been married, we want to see them very bad, & I would like to see you just as well.
We wrote to some time ago but I suppose you never got the letter, as you said nothing about it in yours. The weather here is very fine, things look very well, unless it is wheat, it looks very bad & very thin. We will not have more than 1/2 crop. As regards the war, we wish it would come to a close, but we are willing to be subject to the will of Government & we think the prospect for the war to come to a close. T
he people are very well pleased with the prospect of Grant's army. They think he will take Vicksburg & Pemberlan's Army & that will discourage the Rebels very much, by cutting them in two. And as they get the most of their provisions west of the Mississippi, they will feel the loss very much.
Cynthia is still in the ill?, she never writes to as but Sister Maggy does & she gives us the reports of the times, you will please write soon, Yours truly from your fine? friend & brother, M.C.C.
Henry Noyce, Maryland to Thomas Noyce, New York, 1843
The headline is Baltimore Md Saturday morn. Docketing on a fold has H.B. Noyes, July 15/43 [1843].
Some abstracts:
"We finished counting & delivering the lumber last eve & have the tally sheets all examined ..." "Mary Ann is at home but goes to Lyme again this summer. If we have no trouble shall leave for Philad. [??] this eve."
"John Noyes made a great mistake when he decided not to come to this city as Doct Lee who he would have associated himself with has since died & the person who took the store is doing a very fine business."
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Edd Egger, Arkansas 1918
336th Recruiting Barrack,
Camp Pike, Ark.
May, 1918
Hello papa how are you?
By this time I am all ok and hope you are the same. Well I was glad to get that letter from you. I was glad to know the crop is doing all right and to know Ruben is doing all rite. Well, I have not got but one letter from Emma since I have been gone.
Well I don't know whether I will get off for the marrying. They said for me to return the papers about the 10th of this month and see what we could do. Well I have sent it up and all I like is for the head quarters signing it. Just but thirty days and that maybe the reason.
Well I will rite you again as soon as I can and you will know what I am to do later. If not then I would sure be lifted up if you will send me one of their pictures that were made of them marrying. I sure would like to see you all are the best family in the world.
Well Frances, will you take the stuffing over to Aunt Florence and make me a pillow and send it? I will sure be glad if you will.
I guess I had better close for this time. So be good till we meet again.
From W.E. Egger to one and all.
Notes: W.E.Egger is William "Edd" Edward Egger, the son of Fannie Clara Kendrick and James Holland Egger. Frances is his sister (Mary Frances Egger). Florence is Florence Given's. He will marry Emma Johnson that is mentioned in the letter. I believe that Ruben is his horse.
Sallie Kendrick Mohave to Fannie Egger, Arkansas 1899
July 20, 1899
Mrs. Fannie Egger
Dear friends it avail my self of the opportunity of writing you a few lines. This leaves us all well. Hope these few lines may find you all well. I have no news to write. Our boys are gone to Kansas to work in the harvest. They are with the thrasher man. Single hands gets 1.25 per day wages and team gets 2.25 per day. Jesse took a team. Got a letter from Olie yesterday.
The boys like this country very well. I like very well. Would like better if had some of my old neighbors up here. You don't know how much I think of you all. I've had some very good neighbors. I don't like the Indians here very much. That is the full blood. They will come and sit for an hour and won't talk unless you ask them something. I would as soon had a log sitting up in my house as them, sense can't talk English. They are going to have a camp meeting concerning Erig Friday they say. They have big times. I am going. I have never been to hear them. It is ½ mile to the church. Our preacher meeting commences the first Sunday in August.
How do they all like Preacher Rigs. Are they getting a long with the new church? How is the Baptist getting and who's their preacher this year? Tell Prather Bost we are trying to live up to our duty. Tell him we very often think of him. I would give anything to hear him cry uncle more. I want you to write and tell me all of the news.
Don't wait for us to write. We have so many to write to. I think if nothing happens to our crop me will make something. We had to mortgage for 60 dollars. Think we'll have10 or more bales of cotton besides out corn. The boys will help gather the crop. They want to all farm together next year. The Land works fine. I think you and brother Egger might take a trip up here this summer.
Tell all of the children I would like to see them. Tell Jonice I haven't had anybody to laugh with since I left the reservation. Tell him old Jasper is still a live and eats all the grain he wants. You will get tired reading my foolishness, so by by.
Love to all. I remain as ever your true friend,
Sallie Mohave
Notes: Sallie is daughter of Mary Ellen Stanley and Jonis Wesley Kendrick. Fannie Clara Kendrick is her sister. Jesse Sallie's son. Not sure who Olie is. Not sure who Erig Friday is. Prather Bost is a close family friend, and out families remained friends for generations. Sounds like they used to wrestle a bit. Sallie married a man from the Mohave tribe and lived with her husband on the Mohave reservation for most of her adult life. She loved it there, and was not happy to leave. She herself is half-Cherokee. The family lost track of Sallie, just after this letter. If you know the where-abouts of Sallie Kendrick Mohave (last name may be mispelled), please contact her great- great neice at bjberrykeeper@yahoo.com
J. H. Egger, Arkansas, 1929
Scotland, Ark
Aug. 12, 1929
Mr. J.H. Egger
Kind Friend,
Francis handed me a letter from you the other day in regard to the oak timber on your place. You have a large amount of red oak but we have no market for it yet. In regard to the balance due you in fine timber, do you remember when we bought the mill from Jack Williams we cut 40 thousand ft. of my timber which you was due me half that much timber off of your place, but I never got any.
Mr. Egger, I have always thought you was an honest man. If you are, you will consider this account if it is a few years past. You are due me for a little timber you got pasture near 10 years ago, you intended to put in some timber at the mill to pay for same. There was only some where abouts 500 ft. So let me heare from you about this.
Do as you would be done by and I will be satisfied. We are facing the hardest time here that we have ever had. People are leaving here almost ever day. We have the sorryiest crop I have ever saw. I can't sell anything. I am going some where to work to get something to live on this coming winter. I am broke up. Don't thank there will be enough corn made here to bread the people.
Your Friend, C. E. Reed
Notes: J.H.Egger is James Holland Egger, son of James Holland Egger Sr. and Margaret Ann Kolb Egger Givens. J.H. Egger owned a shingle and lumber mill in Arkansas. Francis is the daughter of J.H. Egger (her name is Mary Frances Egger). I'm not sure who C. E. Reed is, but apparently he lived in the area and they were friends.
J. H. Egger, Arkansas 1903
HOMESTEAD COST. 160 acres, $15.15 120 acres, $14. 15 80 acres, $ 8.10 40 acres, $ 7.10 FINAL PROOF COST 160 acres, $11.60 120 acres, $10.60 80 acres, $ 9.60 40 acres, $ 8.60 OFFICE OF A.B. COUCH, CLERK ~ J.A. THOMAS, D.C. COUNTY AND CIRCUIT CLERK VAN BUREN COUNTY
Special pains taken in assisting Homesteaders to obtain the correct numbers
Clinton, Ark.
June 22, 1903
Mr. J. H. Egger,
Edge, Arkansas.
My Dear Sir & Friend; As per promise last Saturday, I send you herewith my personal check on Van Buren County Bank for Three and 34/100 ($3.34) dollars, the amount you had deposited with me for tuckerrytion. If the land remains unredeemed until the 11th day of next June, I will certify the same to the state, at which time it will become state land and be subject to dontation. Please bar in mind the date. But if you should purchase it before that time, the proper thing for you to do would be redeem it before it is certified as state lands. Wishing you much success and thanking you for your past personal favors I bring to memory.
Your friend, AB Couch
P.S. Sign your name across the back of this check and Missns' Lefter and Luidsey will cash it for you. ABC
Notes: J.H. Egger is James Holland Egger.
William Egger, Arkansas, 1918
Help Your Country by Saving, Write on BOTH Sides of This Paper.
5 Co. 1st Regiment Inf. Replacement Camp,
Camp Pike, Ark
June 22, 1918
Hello Papa,
How are you? By this time fine I hope. Well I am all ok and I hope you are all well. Well I was sure glad to get that pillow. Well I have moved today and I have not saw you a while. I hope you will come and see me and bring me a apple that grounded at the house.
I am going to France the 15th of July. Will I hope that George won't haft to go to the war. Well tell Mandie and Exeum I said hello and tell George and Rosie hello. Well tell Exeum I will write to them when I get more time. Well I have got three stamps and have not wrote Marcy. I haven't got a cent. I can't get you all a present till I get some money. I wil get paid the first of this month.
Well I can't think of much to write. Will tell all the boys to come down. We are going to parade Little Rock the forth of July and I hope we will get to see how you and the boys is. Well I will close for this time so answer soon and a large letter for sure.
To one and all, William E. Egger.
Notes: This letter is from William "Edd" Edward Egger, the son of Fannie Clara Kendrick and James Holland Egger, Jr. The apple grounded at the house was for good luck. George is Edd's little brother. Mandie and Exeum are Exeum Claphos Egger (Edd's older brother) and Amanda "Mandie" Bost. They will marry soon after this letter was written. The George and Rosie that are mentioned in the letter are George Egger (Edd's little brother) and George's "intended", Rosie McNabb.
Edd Egger to James Egger, Arkansas 1921
Biglow, Ark
Hello Papa,
How are you by this time? Fine I hope. Well Papa, I wish you would come down here and stay with me a while. You will not do nothing. We will feed you on straw bearies. Well Pearle said tell you to come and help her pick straw bearies and go a fishing with her. Well I am going to look for you. So I will close for this time. So tell George and Rosie to rite to us.
Well so by from W. E. to J.H. Egger
Notes: This letter was written by William "Edd" Edward Egger, to his father, James Holland Egger Jr.
Doctor's letter re Sarah Tullis' child, South Carolina, 1822
Dr. James Coleson
South Carolina
12th, March, 1822
This very day of 12th, March, Sarah Tillis, Indian wife of John Tillis, was gathering in the foothills when she wrapped her infante childe in it's blanket and laid the childe down to sleep. Mrs. Tillis continued to gather in her basket when she heard her infant cry out. When Mrs. Tillis turned, a large catamount had stolen her infant childe in it's blanket and tooken the childe at a run into a shallow cave. Though naturally reserved and silent, Mrs. Tillis chased the catamount down and fought the beaste with a limb from a tree for the return of her childe. I examined the childe today and the wounds of the childe are simple and not likely to cause illness, although Mrs. Tillis insists on doctoring the wounds herself with Indian remedies. I see no harm in this action. I will check on the infant childe tomorrow noon.
Notes: Letter is refering to Sarah Tullis, wife of John Tullis. Sarah and John are the parent's of Elizabeth Tullis. Elizabeth Tullis married Prettyman Berry and resided in Hog Mountain, Georgia.
Belle Kendrick Boyd to Fannie Kendrick, Alabama, 1898
E-mail: bjberrykeeper@yahoo.com
Baxter, Ala
Feb. 16th, 1898
Dear Brother and Sister.
I one time more suit myself to drop you a few lines to let you know that all are well in the land of the living. We are not well at all. Peyton has been down for a week with the lagrippe, he is better though. Today the balance of us is up. I hope this will go swift to you and find you all well and doing well. Fannie, there have been a heap of changes took place in the last twelve months.
Aunt Pollie Stanley died this winter. I don't remember what day. Uncle Will K. wife died. With Brights Disease . Peel Hornell died of Storm Fever. Corlishia's second man died 1 year a go and not a great while later married again to Mr. Sean Parson. Her first children is about grown old. 1 yrs West has lost her mind. She is living with cousin Will.
Well Fannie, you needed to know Pa's death. He did talk a heap through his sickness but was so shattered we could not understand which he did not call any of us to him but Mollie and she could not go to see him for she was sick. You may rest assured that he was prepared to go. And recived the best of attention while he was sick. Buried nice and by Ma's grave. Pa died at Uncle Hortens cirid. They got every thing he had. I don't know whether he had any money or not but every body said he had. Uncle Hort would not let me and Peyton see in his trunk at all. I know he had about 80 dollars worth of stuff. I went down there to get his things and have them sold but they would not let me have anything to do with them.
Well I will not dwell on this to long but if you was here I could tell you a heap that would open your eyes. I can't write like I could talk. I am ill. There on of his children that is close enough to know anything about it and it grinds me to the bottom to think that they have done like they have. Ran burial expenses and doktor bill was $13.00 and Uncle Hort charged him $9.00 for him being there sick and charged me $4.00 for 1 week so he managed as to get everything. Pa was well cared for while sick.
Well I will close for this time. I will write sooner next time. I have got the headache to day.
Belle Boyd
Notes: Belle Boyd is Julia Belle Kendrick Boyd. She is the daughter of Mary Ellen Stanley and Jonis Wesley Kendrick. Belle married William Peyton Boyd (William Peyton is the son of William Boyd and Elizabeth Hobbs). Uncle Horton mentioned in the letter is Horton Ferris Kendrick.
Cronalie Kendrick Burt to Fannie Kendrick Egger, Mississippi, 1901
March 28, 1901
Sumner, Miss.
Dear Brothers and sisters,
I will write you a few lines to let you know how we are all getting along. All well but myself. I have been feeling bad all day. I think I have gout. The Blue's thought perhaps I would feel better if I would get up and talk to you a little.
Well Fannie, Eddie got home the 27 you know I was glad. He has been gone 7 months and Henry Burt came down the 17th and left the 19th. Ellen went back home with him to stay 3 years. She will come home and visit in the fall. Henry is doing well. He has got a find place and a fine house built with 6 rooms. He lives at Armory, Mississippi. It is a big town near where Ellen will go to school. In town Eddie went to see Billie and Uncle Martin last week. They are all well.
Eddie says Billie has got 4 fine Boys as he ever saw & the smartiest Boys & the best looking boys of any Batch. Uncle Martin is losing his mind. The poor old fellow sent me his Aunt Hass furniture it would nearly break your heart to look at them. They look so old. Belle & Payton is going to come down this fall. Yes & Uncle Hort sent me a sha base full of sweet potatoes. I have eat the bach and they are a fine sort.
Mother is well. Her & I went to town yesterday. She went to have her picture taken. You can look out for one of them in 2 weeks. She will send you one. Dad Kendricks sent me his picture. Imagine him & his folks is living in Columbus also Corce & her family. They are working in the factory. Eddie says imagine will weigh 240 pounds.
Well I will close for this time. Hoping this will find you well.
Write soon, your sister,
C.J. Burt Cornalie Jane Kendrick Burt
Notes: C.J. Burt is Cornalie Jane Kendrick Burt, daughter of Mary Ellen Stanley and Jonis Wesley Kendrick. Cornalie is writting to her sister, Fannie Clara Kendrick Egger.
Fannie Kendrick Egger from Julia Kendrick Boyd, Alabama, 1897
June 3, 1897
Baxter Alabama
Mrs. F. C. Egger
Edge, Ark
June 2nd , 1897 Baxter, Alabama
Mrs. F. C . Egger,
Dear beloved brother and sister. It is with a trembling hand I write you this letter to tell you pa's death wich occurred the 20th of May. He was taken sick on Thursday and died Fri. Next he was taken with the chills and paralisis had 2 doctors with him. He died at Uncle Horts. He rented sheds and Nicholas's wife the first of the year and wis living by his self when he got sick. I begged him not to go there but he would have his own way. He got so he would not do. I wanted him to he would not stay with us long at a time. I was with him all through his sickness and we all done all we could for him
I would have wrote to you sooner but we have all been sick with the chills. Aunt and Uncle Hort said they was going to write to you soon. We are all well now, but the baby he has got the flux. Baby was borned the 17 Jan. Named him Victor Wilmont. I don't think pa had anything but his horse and I guess that will go to pay his expenses.
Oh how I wish you was here. It seems like I need you worse than I ever did in life. Well I don't know how to write to you but if you was here I could tell you a heap. Have all had the chills so much till we are all amighty nigh dead. I wrote you a card but I don't know whether you will get it or not. Pa died mighty easy. He was like he just went to sleep. Never struggled at all.
Cara has 2 children Emeo Jan said she wanted to see you that wanting was all she could do. Jan there was no chance a see you she knowed likely live in Calidonia.
Well I will close. Aunt Polly is getting write purple. Aunt Beth Lance is rite purity. Cousin Sis sends us love to you all and said she often thought of you. Well I will close and I want to write Cornelia a letter.
Write soon, your sister, Belle Boyd.
Notes: Written by Julia Belle Kendrick Boyd to her sister and brother in law (Fannie Clara Kendrick and James Holland Egger, Jr.)
James Holland Egger to Fannie Clara Kendrick 1867
April 11th, 1867
Dear Fannie, I am better now that you have written me the answer. I am your beloved. The letter has filled my heart. I have had the pleasure of reading yesterday, your feelings of love so close to my heart. You are my love and you are the dearest complement for my heart. Now that I know you love me, please excuse my manners when I saw you, for I can no longer hide that I always thought. You were the prettiest one that I had ever seen.
That day that we saw each other, I hoped that you wouldn't think ill of me for telling you so. I will tell you again when you get here. You may believe me, my needs for you are from my heart. My heart is filled with love and it's bleeding because we are parted. Your yes in this world leads me to believe in love. I will suppose to close for this time and wait to hear from you again soon for nothing could give me more pleasure than to read your letters.
So good by Fannie,
J.H. Egger
Notes: Written to Fannie Clara Kendrick from James Holland Egger, Jr., just after the Civil War. They would marry, have children, and be in love for the rest of their time together. He would write poems, plant gardens and fashion bracelets for her to show his love for the next fifteen years. Fannie would then die in child birth with their tenth child.
J. H. Egger, Arkansas 1892
Letter to Mr. J.H. Egger,
Edge P.O., Ark.
Vernon, Ala,
March 13th, 1892
Dear Brother and sister, I will try to answer your kind and most welcome letter which come to hand a few days ago was more than glad to hear from you all. I begin to think you was not going to write any more.
You say you don't get any letters from us. I never fail to anser your letters as soon as I get one as for the others I don't know what they do for. I am always so anxious to get one from you. John wrote you a card stating that he got his socks. Got them Christmas Eve and ws hung on the Christmas Tree for him he was the proudest thing of them you ever saw. I asked him what would he take for them and he said he would not take 10 dollars for them.
Well, we are all well and doing well as the good Lord will let us. You said you had a girl. I did not know at all till I got your letter and you know that we don't get a letter often.
Well Fannie, Cornelia is left in a destitute condition. Joe has left her. Left her in the fall and has not sent her a nickle. He went to the bottom. They have made out someway, but I don't know hardly how. Eddie has work. I all the winter at 35 - cents a day and she has done what she could to ketch something to eat they have done remarkable well and some of them had the chills all the winter. She said that if Joe could stay all of the winter and them on starvation, he could just stay of for she was not going to have any more to do with him. The people is mighty good to her so for her baby is the fattest thing you ever saw has named it Mittie Viola.
Well I will on something else I have got any garden nearly all planted any cabbage as if and beets and onions are nice for Peyton has planted some corn and going to plant some more today. Grady has got the whooping cough but has not hurt him. He is beginning to talk. He goes just where he pleases. You said you would send pa your picture if he wanted them you know he wants them you don't know how glad I would be to get them for I think of you all every day that comes well as my paper is scarse. I had better quit for this is the last piece of paper I have got.
The connection is well as far as I know Uncle Sammie Johnson is dead been dead a month or more. Uncle Nait Kendrick is dead. After Aunt Synthia died, he broke up and went to the bottom with Joe and died here he dies down dead a month or so. Leona Kendrick is married. She married Christmas to Jorn West one of the ugliest fellas that you ever saw but he is good by her.
Good bye, your sister Belle and Peyton.
J. H. Egger, Arkansas 1896
Edge P.O.
Van Buren Co, Ark
After 14 days return to S.J. Stanley, Lawsonville, Texas
Lawsonville Texas,
July the 13th, 1896
Mr. J.H. Egger, Edge Ark.
Dear Cousin and family.
I take my pen in hand to drop you a few lines and to your kin. Your kind letter which came safe to hand in dire time. Was glad to hear from you all once more and that you were all well. This finds us all well at this time. I have no news of importance to write. Crops are very good in this community. Though our corn is short and wobbly on account of dry weather. A large fraction of Texas is a failure on account of drought. I think I will make plenty of corn and to spare. Cabbage looks fine at this time.
Well cousins Fanny, I would be so glad to see you all. I feel like I could sit and tealk to you all a week. Well I will tell you about my family. We have 5 children. 4 girls & one boy. Lealia May is the oldest, 13 years old. Lillie Belle Next 9 years old. Early Roscoe Next 7 years old. Our last ones are twins. Their names are Bulah & Lula. They are 3 years old the 14 of this month. They are mitey pretty and sweet but they don't favor much. Sister Dacia has his very sick but is up again. Her trouble was.... neuraligia. She has bin troubled with it off and on for15 years. I recall she has suffered ten thousand deaths. She has four children. 3 girls and a boy. They live a half mile from us. Dacia wanted to write some to you in my letter but is not able. She will write some next time.
Well Hallond, we met every night to be here to help me eat watermelons. We have had some mighty fine ones. My best one weighed 42 pounds. Land is worth from 3 to 10 dollars for an acre average. I have as good neighbors as I want. Our land is red land and lies well.
Cousin Fannie, when you write again, tell me when you have heard from your grandpa and grandma. Also from George and Fanny I don't reckon they ever will write to me anymore. I think Fanny has treated sister Betty ferrly shabby.
I left Ala. Last Dec and sister Betty I don't think had heard from her in about 50 years I reckon she is too rich to write to poor kin. Mattie says tell you she would be glad to see you. She sends her love and respects to you all.
Cousin Fannie I have got a good woman for a wife so with many good wishes from you all I close asking you all to write some and give all the news.
We are as ever, your cousins, S.J & N.A. Stanley.
P.S. I forgot to say we have 2 children dead both are boys. Died in infancy.
J. H. Egger Arkansas 1901
Edge P.O., Ark.
After 14 days, return to: C.J. Burt, Sumner, Mississippi
March 27, 1901
I give my love to all the children. I am going to have my picture taken next week if nothing happens. Tell Holland I have not forgot him. I wish I could see you all. Joe sends his love to you. Eddie sends his love and his picture. He says that is all he has got to send you and says he would write but he could not think of nothing and hope I write everything worth writing. He will leave in a few days for Alabama.
Mrs. Lizzie Burt
Ed Egger, Arkansas 1919
August 11, 1919
Hello Papa,
How are you I am all okay and hope you are to. Well I am writing you the last letter for a while I am going to start to France tomorrow and I don't know when I will write so I will close. Your son, Ed Egger I sent home to you my hat band I will give it to you all.
W. E. Egger, Arkansas 1918
Mr. W. E. Egger,
My dear brother.
I will try to answer your kind letter of the other day. Was glad to hear from you. This leaves us not well. I'm in the bed again and have been a week tomorrow. I'm some better tho than I have been. The rest are well. Hope this will find you enjoying life fine.
Well Edd George is gone to Clinton today to be armied. I am awful afraid he'll be called in a few days. They've got him in 1st class. Well Ed, little crippled Troy Bost was buried yesterday. He died Sunday morning.
Well Edd I can't write much I am to weak I can't set up. I sure was proud of them cards you sent us. Would be awful glad to get your picture in your uniform. Ed, we have never heard from Emma yet, only Anthony Latimer wrote to Francis that Emma was going to school. Has she been to see you anymore? I don't know whether George will get to come or not to see you for me being down and him looking for his call any time now. He's talking of coming next Sunday in Griggs car if I'm able. He couldn't get off last Sunday. His registering no. is 65 and his order no is 16.
Well Edd, excuse short letter and I'll do better when I get able. So be good and let us hear from you soon.
We are your bro and sister and nephew. George, Rosa and Eruen Egger and J. Tillis
May God be with us all until we meet again if we meet no more on Earth let's meet in Heaven.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Civil War Letter: Charles W. Brouse, Tennessee 1863
E- mail: tony_meeks@msn.com
This letter appeared in the Indianapolis Daily Journal on February 6, 1863 on page 3 column 3.
The spelling and punctuation are unchanged from the original publication.
One Hundredth Regiment An extract from a letter from Captain Chas. W. Brouse, company K, 100th regiment, to his parents, dated January 15th, written from Grand Junction, Tennessee, which is about 40 miles south of Memphis:
“I received two letters from you last night. You cannot tell how glad I am to hear from home; but few of our letters come to hand. — We fear that few reach our friends. “From Memphis we were ordered to College Hill; from there to Holly Springs; thence to Tocapatapa; subsequently we returned on the I same route to College Hill, where we took a road to the right, passing through Abbeyville and camped about five miles north of the village for the night. “On the following Sabbath, at 2 p.m., we were ordered to march immediately, and we marched ten miles that evening by 9 o’clock and camped ten miles south of Holly Springs. Leaving at daylight next morning, we arrived at Holly Springs at noon. I immediately sought for Wm. H. Smith. On the way I met T. A. Goodwin, looking very well. We called on Smith and spent an interesting hour.
At this place the rebels destroyed a large amount of property and government stores.
“Col. Murphy, who was commander of the post, is now undergoing a trial before a court martial at Holly Springs. Lieutenant Colonel Heath is a member of the court. “On Monday, January 6th, we marched in a northeasterly direction to Salem, Miss., by 5 o’clock p. m., 16 miles, Major Parrott commanding the regiment. The next evening we camped at Smith’s Mills, where the same rebel force that attacked Holly Springs made an attack on us, but were repelled by one company of Hoosier boys.
“We arrived at the Junction on the 10th inst., and camped on the north of the town on low ground. It had rained all day and the ground was very soft. About midnight it commenced raining in earnest and continued until morning. We were without tents. In company with my Lieutenant we had the fly belonging to the Major’s tent for a covering. About one p. m. the water made a break over the ditch around us, and in less time than it takes me to tell it the water was about three inches deep, entirely covering our blankets. You can imagine it was not very pleasant standing in the water pulling on our socks. — When I went to put on my boots they were half full of water. After dressing we stood in the rain the remainder of the night
“I must stop writing for the present, as I have business at Lagrange, General Denver’s headquarters. It is a neat little town of about 2,500 inhabitants. It contains some good houses, mostly frame. HICKORY GROVE, Jan. 14. I returned last night to my command and found all well. At home you no doubt would think it strange for one or two men to go 15 or 20 miles from camp without a guard, but this is frequently done. While at Tocapatafa Chaplain Munn and myself rode over to Ox-ford, 18 miles, and returned the next day. The next morning after the flood, Colonel McDowelI detached companies K, E and H, to report 8 miles up the W. S. Railroad for guard duty, where we arrived at dark.
Our camp is on the east side of the railroad. We think our position is a good one. We have a block-house made of heavy logs; also a stockade, two bake ovens in which we bake all the light bread we want, and we have plenty to eat. We have just received our tents for the whole regiment, and hope never to be without them again. I have just received your letter of the 7th; it contains the latest news we have. We were glad to receive the Daily Journals you sent me; they go the rounds in the company, but they come very irregular; the last mail brought 15 copies. We are now of Grant’s army, Denver’s division, McDowell’s brigade. Our letters should be directed via Memphis, with request to forward to the 100th regiment, Indiana volunteers. We have had hard marching, but little fighting. We are getting along very well in the company and with the officers of the division. My health is better than it has been for years.
How glad I am to receive advice from my parents; I am trying to carry it out, and so are many of my brave boys. Wise, Collis, Bollinger, Cherry, Wirt, Smith, Norwood, and Spratt, and most of the other boys, are very well and wish to be remembered to their friends at home. This day I have the painful duty of writing to the parents of John Hoag, of my company, who died on the 1st. It will be a hard shock for his aged parents. I would have sent him home, but all communication was cut off at that time. We buried him with the Union soldiers in the grave-yard at Holly Springs, and marked his grave. John was a good boy, always ready to do his duty. This is the second one of my little band we have buried. The other was Colclazer.
If you could see how this country is laid waste, houses and farms destroyed, it would make your heart ache, but as the boys say, it is all on account of rebellion. Write soon, and tell me how things are going on in the North; how the President’s proclamation is received by the people. It suits us much; we are ready and willing to return home and fight traitors there if it must be so. In this I think I speak the sentiment of almost the entire army.” . .
Notes: Charles Brouse was born on December 30, 1839 in New Albany, Indiana. He was the first child of John A. and Mary Catherine (Downey) Brouse. He enlisted in the army on August 7, 1862 at Indianapolis, Indiana. He was given a captain’s commission and placed in command of Company K 100th Indiana Infantry. At the Battle of Missionary Ridge on November 25, 1863 he was severely wounded while leading his men in the attack on Tunnel Hill. He was discharged from the army on January 16, 1865 due to the wound that he suffered at Missionary Ridge. He married Margaret Caroline Thorpe on December 25, 1867. They had the following children: John, Mary, Louise, Richard, Julia and Helen. He served as pension agent in Indianapolis from 1869 to 1873. After his service as pension agent he worked in real estate in Indianapolis. On May 16, 1899 he was given the Congressional Medal of Honor for his conduct at the Battle of Missionary Ridge. He died on October 26, 1904 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis, Indiana.