Letter signed of J B F Russell, General Land Agency, Chicago, Feb. 24, 1842, with integral printed broadside, circular, 8" x 10", dated June 1, 1840, for his land agency business. It was postally sent to Joseph Roby Esq., Brockport, NY (forwarded to NYC). The letter contains information on paying taxes on Roby's land in Will and Cook Cos. "My sole business is in attending to the interest of non-resident land holders - and all such as are intrusted to my care will always be attended to promptly."
The printed portion gives information on Russell's land agency noting that he will pay taxes on Illinois, Wisonsan [sic] and Michigan land for residents and non-residents, in addition to title work and related business. The bottom contains a lists of (31) references, including military officers.
This letter is for sale on Ebay, Item number: 170180592924.

Find your roots and hear your ancestors' words across the generations. Discover your origins in old letters as ancestors tell their stories and reveal family relationships, past events, moments in time and details of family history. Add branches to your family tree as you search your ancestry and build your genealogy.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
1843 Cork Ireland to Nantucket Letter.
1843 Ireland to Nantucket letter Item number: 250195696989
Mother of boy, Charles Fudger, who left home in Cork Ireland to go whaling writes to Charles and Henry Coffin of Nantucket Ma. Asking about her son Charles who left on the ship Charles and Henry three years ago. Pitiable out cry by a mother who very politely asks for help to locate her son.
This old letter is for sale on Ebay. Just follow the links on this page if you want to see more.
Mother of boy, Charles Fudger, who left home in Cork Ireland to go whaling writes to Charles and Henry Coffin of Nantucket Ma. Asking about her son Charles who left on the ship Charles and Henry three years ago. Pitiable out cry by a mother who very politely asks for help to locate her son.
This old letter is for sale on Ebay. Just follow the links on this page if you want to see more.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Elmira Prison Letter 1864
Civil War Elmira NYV Prison Guard Letter Jan 9 1864 Item number: 320185669996
Civil War Soldiers Letter from Jacob Larben (or Larfen) of the NYV Prison Regiment to his brother John. Jacob was a Guard at Elmira Prison. The letter is dated January 9, 1864. The three paragraphs are divided into a rathre formal greeting and take my pen in hand kind of relationship. He looks forward to the war ending in the Spring and states that Father Lincoln is attempting to bring to a close this terrible occasion. Do not fear. The Union will win and the Sessionist will repent. The second paragraph gives a few details about Prison Camp duty: it reads as written: Prison duty thu it be safe is much harder on the spirit than would be the wizzing of shell and ball. The rebels here are a sad lot, wounds and disease take many and our provost are less than gentel when dealing with them.
This great old Elmira Prison Letter is for sale on Ebay.
Civil War Soldiers Letter from Jacob Larben (or Larfen) of the NYV Prison Regiment to his brother John. Jacob was a Guard at Elmira Prison. The letter is dated January 9, 1864. The three paragraphs are divided into a rathre formal greeting and take my pen in hand kind of relationship. He looks forward to the war ending in the Spring and states that Father Lincoln is attempting to bring to a close this terrible occasion. Do not fear. The Union will win and the Sessionist will repent. The second paragraph gives a few details about Prison Camp duty: it reads as written: Prison duty thu it be safe is much harder on the spirit than would be the wizzing of shell and ball. The rebels here are a sad lot, wounds and disease take many and our provost are less than gentel when dealing with them.
This great old Elmira Prison Letter is for sale on Ebay.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
1749, Noddles Island.
1749,Noddles Island,Boston, Wm.Clarke letter, Item 170162458877
Letter dated December 1749, Noddles Island; where William Clarke has written to (Shute) Shrimpton Yeamans discussing the French amd Indian War, conditions of the buildings on Noddles Island, currency is unstable due to the war. He also talks about the land coming to Colonel Shrimpton from the old Indian land patent, the Million Acre purchase in New Hampshire.
This great old Noddles Island letter is on Ebay.
Letter dated December 1749, Noddles Island; where William Clarke has written to (Shute) Shrimpton Yeamans discussing the French amd Indian War, conditions of the buildings on Noddles Island, currency is unstable due to the war. He also talks about the land coming to Colonel Shrimpton from the old Indian land patent, the Million Acre purchase in New Hampshire.
This great old Noddles Island letter is on Ebay.
Monday, November 19, 2007
1806 Letter, Burlington Vermont
1806 Letter Burlington Vermont Item number: 300171869686
Dr Brother:
We arrived safe at home a few days a ago - I sipt (sic)at Middlebury several days, in order to affect something with regard to Banks -
When I got there - they had a bill before the house for a State Bank.
This Bill was brought forward by the opposition to the Banking interest and was carried one branch for this place, and another at Woodstock, before it passed the (worried (?) some of our friends left the house and they took that opportunity to propose an amendment and have one branch at Middlebury which was carried
- however we were glad to get rid of it the bill being one of the most inconsistent things ever brought before any Legislation
- It anticipates no capital as only five hundred dollars is appropriated to put it in ---and when the bills are issued if the State pleases they will pay them otherwise they will not as the State is not suitable and of course the holders of bills must loose them if they are not disposed to pay them
- When I get my business arranged I shall set for Boston / It will be uncertain whether I will come your way or not - If I should be in haste it will be better for me to go down the north turnpike....
...M Jewett."
Dr Brother:
We arrived safe at home a few days a ago - I sipt (sic)at Middlebury several days, in order to affect something with regard to Banks -
When I got there - they had a bill before the house for a State Bank.
This Bill was brought forward by the opposition to the Banking interest and was carried one branch for this place, and another at Woodstock, before it passed the (worried (?) some of our friends left the house and they took that opportunity to propose an amendment and have one branch at Middlebury which was carried
- however we were glad to get rid of it the bill being one of the most inconsistent things ever brought before any Legislation
- It anticipates no capital as only five hundred dollars is appropriated to put it in ---and when the bills are issued if the State pleases they will pay them otherwise they will not as the State is not suitable and of course the holders of bills must loose them if they are not disposed to pay them
- When I get my business arranged I shall set for Boston / It will be uncertain whether I will come your way or not - If I should be in haste it will be better for me to go down the north turnpike....
...M Jewett."
Friday, November 16, 2007
1903 Kansas City, Missouri Letter
1903 Kansas City, Missouri Letter Item number: 200172634566
A personal letter by the Clerk of the Criminal court addressed to “My old friend Billie… you stick so close to Pony, [Missouri] now, don’t think that I don’t like Pony, and Pony people, infact I have wanted to come back to Pony ever since I left… why don’t you come to Butte once in a year, and call a fellow up and have a few more ‘bunches of rye’ together. One cant get lonsmn out here for there is an missalaneous croud dropping in here … as any Bohemian quarter in Paris.“ He then writes about his brother in law taking a “trip down the Mazoo” which will be a failure as “money making scheme.” “I will spend the late fall and all of winter in Southern California, Utah & New Mexico…I have seen some very bum prize fights… there has only been two good ones.” Etc… Signed “Chas Renick”.
This great Kansas City, Missouri letter is for sale on Ebay. If you would like to place a bid just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
A personal letter by the Clerk of the Criminal court addressed to “My old friend Billie… you stick so close to Pony, [Missouri] now, don’t think that I don’t like Pony, and Pony people, infact I have wanted to come back to Pony ever since I left… why don’t you come to Butte once in a year, and call a fellow up and have a few more ‘bunches of rye’ together. One cant get lonsmn out here for there is an missalaneous croud dropping in here … as any Bohemian quarter in Paris.“ He then writes about his brother in law taking a “trip down the Mazoo” which will be a failure as “money making scheme.” “I will spend the late fall and all of winter in Southern California, Utah & New Mexico…I have seen some very bum prize fights… there has only been two good ones.” Etc… Signed “Chas Renick”.
This great Kansas City, Missouri letter is for sale on Ebay. If you would like to place a bid just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
1857 Abner J. Lowell Letter
1857 Abner J. Lowell Letter Item number: 230189476815
A May 25th 1857 letter from Abner J. Lowell to his cousin that mentions fishing voyage where "The Schooner was rolling rales (sic) under." It was written in small Point, and mentions a place called "Oak Hill". Abner says that the fishing voyage was rough for 48 hours. He also makes mention of the stationary being used and of the vignette which decorates it being a likeness of Col. J.C. Fremont.
I went and had a look in the 1860 United States Federal Census for Abner J. Lowell. I found a few people of intrest.
Abner Lowell Westbrook, Cumberland, Maine, 12, 1848 Maine
Abner Lowell Portland, Cumberland, Maine, 48, 1812 Maine
Abner T Lowell Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, 6, 1854 Maine
Abner Lowell Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, 62, 1798 Maine
Abner Lowell Palermo, Waldo, Maine, 15, 1845 Maine
Abner W Lowell Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, 57, 1803 Massachusetts
Abner Lowell Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts, 60, 1800 Massachusetts
Abner Lowell Raymond, Rockingham, Massachusetts, 35, 1825 New Hampshire
This letter is for sale on Ebay. If you are interested just follow one of the links to Ebay on this website.
A May 25th 1857 letter from Abner J. Lowell to his cousin that mentions fishing voyage where "The Schooner was rolling rales (sic) under." It was written in small Point, and mentions a place called "Oak Hill". Abner says that the fishing voyage was rough for 48 hours. He also makes mention of the stationary being used and of the vignette which decorates it being a likeness of Col. J.C. Fremont.
I went and had a look in the 1860 United States Federal Census for Abner J. Lowell. I found a few people of intrest.
Abner Lowell Westbrook, Cumberland, Maine, 12, 1848 Maine
Abner Lowell Portland, Cumberland, Maine, 48, 1812 Maine
Abner T Lowell Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, 6, 1854 Maine
Abner Lowell Bucksport, Hancock, Maine, 62, 1798 Maine
Abner Lowell Palermo, Waldo, Maine, 15, 1845 Maine
Abner W Lowell Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, 57, 1803 Massachusetts
Abner Lowell Newburyport Ward 6, Essex, Massachusetts, 60, 1800 Massachusetts
Abner Lowell Raymond, Rockingham, Massachusetts, 35, 1825 New Hampshire
This letter is for sale on Ebay. If you are interested just follow one of the links to Ebay on this website.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pittsford, Culpepper, Vermont, 1864
1864 Culpepper Vermont letter 10th Vermont Item number: 160176966468
1864 soldier's letter written camp near culpepper, Vermont. April 4th to MC Boyne, or Bogue in Pittsford, Vt. Written by John A Sheldon, Captain, 10th Vermont volunteers. Sheldon is answering the letter and says he is trying to secure a commission for Willie Peabody, and will notify of any incidents regarding the Pittsford boys.- I have recently promoted John Dike to a corporal.
This letter is on Ebay. Just follow one of the links on this page if you want to have a look.
1864 soldier's letter written camp near culpepper, Vermont. April 4th to MC Boyne, or Bogue in Pittsford, Vt. Written by John A Sheldon, Captain, 10th Vermont volunteers. Sheldon is answering the letter and says he is trying to secure a commission for Willie Peabody, and will notify of any incidents regarding the Pittsford boys.- I have recently promoted John Dike to a corporal.
This letter is on Ebay. Just follow one of the links on this page if you want to have a look.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Spanish & Philippine American War Letter
Spanish & Philippine American War letter Item number: 160176735028
Bayambang, PI Company I, 17th Infantry April 19th, 1900
Mrs. E. C. Bates,
My dear sister,
Mr. Bates letter came a few days ago. I was glad to hear from you all. Glad to hear that you were improving and hope you will get completely well again. We thought we would get to come home this summer but the way things look now, we will be here at least another year. We’re having more men killed on this island now at the present this than any time since. We have been here ?? to your face is mucho mego. That means “your friend” and where they get behind your back. They would cut your throat. They captured three men on the 29th just not long ago. Then they tied them to a stake and burned them alive and then drug them through the town and then cut their head off with bolows and such things is that are happening every day.
Looking up and the ?? has formed small bands of 25-50 bolow men and they rob all the natives and kill all the soldiers they catch away from their command. So you see you can’t ??? at all. We thought after we broke up all the large bands of ?? that the army would be reduced and some of the troops would get to go to the states. But I don’t think many of them would be sent back before another year. Our ball of the 14th infantry has gone back to the states. The ball of the 18th and 20th infantry will go home in May. We have been one year and one month, nine days and I think we will be another year. While I can’t stand it if it’s like the rainy season that was the course of all the cause of men’s death. Five companies of us of some regiment had quite a scrap in the 8th of this month on Sunday. We left here at 1pm on the 5th of this month and marched all night that night without any supper and went to camp at 6 o’clock and stayed like that til night and started out on the 7th and went to camp that eve at 5 o’clock. Got up the next morn at 3 o’clock to march to the mountains about four miles where we stayed at night and got our position by daylight. And I wished you and Mr. Bates could have seen the mountains. We have had the fight. General McAbolous was on that mountain with a squadron men well entrenched. Against us, took out mountain in tenn. ?? Is not in it well over our company was to attract the enemy and I trust Bradford gave me orders to take my squad of 7 men and take in and over guard in front of the hill where the enemy was are the rest of the company went out as flankes on both sides. A company was sent out on the left flank. Me and L company was sent out under command of Lt. Col. Rober. On the extreme right to get in the rear of the enemy. They had to march (8) mile over the mountain to come behind the enemy. While company D and the scouts come up the ravine on the right flank and we had the front where company A got all on the mountains on the left flank. The ladrous went up, then A company captured our post and burned the stalk ?? thin into the main body. When company A got around all the main body, we opened up from the front. The scouts got in from the rear they didn’t know what to do. But they retreated as far as they could. If A company had waited 30 minutes longer before they flanked them, and the scouts to get behind them, we would have demolished all of them. We kill about 20, wounded a good many and captured about 18 prisoners. Nothing will ever go down in records as driving General McAbolous and General Antoinio Montenegro out of there positions and if we had there positions, all the troops on the island couldn’t have driven us out but they didn’t have the nerve to stand. We had our officeIf they had stayed in their position, they would have killed all of us very freely. The reason they left their position, they thought we had them surrounded.Our officer wounded through both thighs; 1st Lt. Morrow of company D. He is getting along very well. I will send you a map of the hill in this letter.
General Montenegro surrendered to me and my squad on our port on the 9th day after the fight. I will send you this paper when get it. I have the paper now that the piece about the infantry but it can’t come and want to send it. I will wait until get the right one. Will jaru is better really now than those. Health now is poor for some time. Weight 180 lbs. yesterday. Please tell Mr. Bates to tell Mr. Clay that I haven’t been able to hear from Dr. Lester in Manilla at the 3rd hospital yet. I wrote to him but haven’t received any answer. He will be your back to the states. He is only a contract doctor and as you hear from him, I will answer his letter. And tell Mr. Bates to give the members of company H to give best wishes and kindest regards. And tell them the regiment will never be forgotten by the troops in the Philippine Islands and we would all like them to return again in the near future. Well we’ll close for this time. Write soon. I hope when this letter reaches you it will find enjoying good health. As it leaves me well that by the time this letter reaches you it find Mr. Bates enjoying good health. Mr. Bates said time ago thank him to please send me some chewing tobacco. Has he gotten better this time. Well good bye for this time you Bates write to your brother Corporal H. ???
You will all you will see in this sketch of the battleground, you can’t see any infantry but A company on the left flank over the mountain. And the advance guard below, that is my squad that is shooting up straight at the enemy. The paper wasn’t large enough to give all the companies. You will see where General McAbolous went straight up and jumped through the hole on the other side. You will see him making his escape down the mountain and you will look at the picture I sent you of Aguinaldo Cabirsh. And you will see the mau that surrender to me last Wednesday a week ago (General Montenegro). We have been after him for a year and just got him to speak good English. He was in New York 3 years. All the grass marks X are the mountains kept the where we had to charge up. The mountains in the search. There aught to be a back trail but you can’t get per it. In the sketch I will put a checkmark where the trail is to the other mountain. Well I want to write our mom and will send you a paper that gave a letter about the scrap. I will send you another paper in a few days. Well goodbye for this time. Write soon to your brother. Show this picture to some of the home troops and you could give it to the rancher. I would think they should be glad to get it. We burned all his headquarters. If you don’t give it to the people, send it to Billy. I will send you some of things I captured from McAbolous after the fight.
Bayambang, PI Company I, 17th Infantry April 19th, 1900
Mrs. E. C. Bates,
My dear sister,
Mr. Bates letter came a few days ago. I was glad to hear from you all. Glad to hear that you were improving and hope you will get completely well again. We thought we would get to come home this summer but the way things look now, we will be here at least another year. We’re having more men killed on this island now at the present this than any time since. We have been here ?? to your face is mucho mego. That means “your friend” and where they get behind your back. They would cut your throat. They captured three men on the 29th just not long ago. Then they tied them to a stake and burned them alive and then drug them through the town and then cut their head off with bolows and such things is that are happening every day.
Looking up and the ?? has formed small bands of 25-50 bolow men and they rob all the natives and kill all the soldiers they catch away from their command. So you see you can’t ??? at all. We thought after we broke up all the large bands of ?? that the army would be reduced and some of the troops would get to go to the states. But I don’t think many of them would be sent back before another year. Our ball of the 14th infantry has gone back to the states. The ball of the 18th and 20th infantry will go home in May. We have been one year and one month, nine days and I think we will be another year. While I can’t stand it if it’s like the rainy season that was the course of all the cause of men’s death. Five companies of us of some regiment had quite a scrap in the 8th of this month on Sunday. We left here at 1pm on the 5th of this month and marched all night that night without any supper and went to camp at 6 o’clock and stayed like that til night and started out on the 7th and went to camp that eve at 5 o’clock. Got up the next morn at 3 o’clock to march to the mountains about four miles where we stayed at night and got our position by daylight. And I wished you and Mr. Bates could have seen the mountains. We have had the fight. General McAbolous was on that mountain with a squadron men well entrenched. Against us, took out mountain in tenn. ?? Is not in it well over our company was to attract the enemy and I trust Bradford gave me orders to take my squad of 7 men and take in and over guard in front of the hill where the enemy was are the rest of the company went out as flankes on both sides. A company was sent out on the left flank. Me and L company was sent out under command of Lt. Col. Rober. On the extreme right to get in the rear of the enemy. They had to march (8) mile over the mountain to come behind the enemy. While company D and the scouts come up the ravine on the right flank and we had the front where company A got all on the mountains on the left flank. The ladrous went up, then A company captured our post and burned the stalk ?? thin into the main body. When company A got around all the main body, we opened up from the front. The scouts got in from the rear they didn’t know what to do. But they retreated as far as they could. If A company had waited 30 minutes longer before they flanked them, and the scouts to get behind them, we would have demolished all of them. We kill about 20, wounded a good many and captured about 18 prisoners. Nothing will ever go down in records as driving General McAbolous and General Antoinio Montenegro out of there positions and if we had there positions, all the troops on the island couldn’t have driven us out but they didn’t have the nerve to stand. We had our officeIf they had stayed in their position, they would have killed all of us very freely. The reason they left their position, they thought we had them surrounded.Our officer wounded through both thighs; 1st Lt. Morrow of company D. He is getting along very well. I will send you a map of the hill in this letter.
General Montenegro surrendered to me and my squad on our port on the 9th day after the fight. I will send you this paper when get it. I have the paper now that the piece about the infantry but it can’t come and want to send it. I will wait until get the right one. Will jaru is better really now than those. Health now is poor for some time. Weight 180 lbs. yesterday. Please tell Mr. Bates to tell Mr. Clay that I haven’t been able to hear from Dr. Lester in Manilla at the 3rd hospital yet. I wrote to him but haven’t received any answer. He will be your back to the states. He is only a contract doctor and as you hear from him, I will answer his letter. And tell Mr. Bates to give the members of company H to give best wishes and kindest regards. And tell them the regiment will never be forgotten by the troops in the Philippine Islands and we would all like them to return again in the near future. Well we’ll close for this time. Write soon. I hope when this letter reaches you it will find enjoying good health. As it leaves me well that by the time this letter reaches you it find Mr. Bates enjoying good health. Mr. Bates said time ago thank him to please send me some chewing tobacco. Has he gotten better this time. Well good bye for this time you Bates write to your brother Corporal H. ???
You will all you will see in this sketch of the battleground, you can’t see any infantry but A company on the left flank over the mountain. And the advance guard below, that is my squad that is shooting up straight at the enemy. The paper wasn’t large enough to give all the companies. You will see where General McAbolous went straight up and jumped through the hole on the other side. You will see him making his escape down the mountain and you will look at the picture I sent you of Aguinaldo Cabirsh. And you will see the mau that surrender to me last Wednesday a week ago (General Montenegro). We have been after him for a year and just got him to speak good English. He was in New York 3 years. All the grass marks X are the mountains kept the where we had to charge up. The mountains in the search. There aught to be a back trail but you can’t get per it. In the sketch I will put a checkmark where the trail is to the other mountain. Well I want to write our mom and will send you a paper that gave a letter about the scrap. I will send you another paper in a few days. Well goodbye for this time. Write soon to your brother. Show this picture to some of the home troops and you could give it to the rancher. I would think they should be glad to get it. We burned all his headquarters. If you don’t give it to the people, send it to Billy. I will send you some of things I captured from McAbolous after the fight.
Monday, November 05, 2007
1796 Moses Jewett New Salem, Massachusetts
Autograph Letter Signed from Moses Jewett, dated New Salem, Massachusetts, May 10, 1796. Addressed to Mr. David Joseph Mallibran. It reads, in full:
Dear Friend:
You formerly observed to me, in one of your letters that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life than the disparity we often find in him, sick and well; thus one of an unfortunate constitution is perpetually exhibiting a miserable example of weakness both of body and mind. Sickness is a kind of early old age, it teaches us a diffidence in our early state, and inspires us with the thoughts of a future; it gives so warning a concussion to those props of our vanity, our strength and youth that we then think of fortifying ourselves within, when there is so little dependence on external. Youth at the best is but a betrayer of human life in a gentler and smoother way than old age; it is like a stream that nourishes a plant on a bank and causes it to flourish and blossom in the sight and at the same time, it is undermining at the root. Happy are they, my friend who learn not to despair, but shall remember that though the day is past and their strength is wasted there yet remains one effort more to be made. Reformation is never hopeless, nor sincere endeavors ever unassisted, he who implores strength from above will find danger and difficulty give way before him.
...Moses Jewett."
This New Salem, Massachusetts letter is for sale on Ebay. Item number: 300167189841
Dear Friend:
You formerly observed to me, in one of your letters that nothing made a more ridiculous figure in a man's life than the disparity we often find in him, sick and well; thus one of an unfortunate constitution is perpetually exhibiting a miserable example of weakness both of body and mind. Sickness is a kind of early old age, it teaches us a diffidence in our early state, and inspires us with the thoughts of a future; it gives so warning a concussion to those props of our vanity, our strength and youth that we then think of fortifying ourselves within, when there is so little dependence on external. Youth at the best is but a betrayer of human life in a gentler and smoother way than old age; it is like a stream that nourishes a plant on a bank and causes it to flourish and blossom in the sight and at the same time, it is undermining at the root. Happy are they, my friend who learn not to despair, but shall remember that though the day is past and their strength is wasted there yet remains one effort more to be made. Reformation is never hopeless, nor sincere endeavors ever unassisted, he who implores strength from above will find danger and difficulty give way before him.
...Moses Jewett."
This New Salem, Massachusetts letter is for sale on Ebay. Item number: 300167189841
Saturday, November 03, 2007
John Prince Knight. San Francisco California Letters
1850s San Francisco California Letters Item number: 330180082954
38 Pre Civil War Handwritten Letters. Most to: John Prince Knight. San Francisco California. And a few to other family members in Massachusetts. From: Most from Family Members & a few friends. Most from Boston & a few from other cities like Brighton, Germantown and one from Burlington College. & few other cities 1850 - 1866. Most later 1850s to early 1860s. [ 18 with year dates either on postmarks or letterheads & 20 without year dates] Mentions In Part: Visiting & Visitors - Wine bottle broke in Franks hand quite badly across the palm while drawing the cork - Sarahs wedding anf who attended - Henry Baldwin out in Brighton is engaged to a Sheep Killers daughter - Sleighing has been good - There is to be an ? immense cast at the Foundry and we expect several friends over to see the sight - The Brother Cup is perfect both in shape & color I can't imagine how it could have come such a distance - Daisy and Anna are playing and shaking the table so I can't write - Baby Daisy has Lung Fever, Dr. Channing - Trips to Brighton Massachusetts and New York City - Lydia talks of having a Ambrotype taken soon - Mr. Hooker took his dinner to the Mill to be ready for the train - Social at the House, all you will need is plenty of Light, you have lamps enough for the whole house but we have no oil, the can is at the Mill, got the Church cookery - Gift of a rocking chair - Goat attacked by dogs, men to the rescue - Their old friend Capt. Thomson died of cancer - Sick in bed for a number of weeks - Lovely Easter & Easter Sunday with flowers - New family dog named Dash, followed our old potato man came to see us - We had the house illuminated one night. A splendid procession formed on this street just in front of the house. The firing of the Cannon shook the house and caused one of the little ? lamp to fall from a bar on one of the front windows in my room ....., I threw a clock and shawl over the flames without sucess..... - It is prudent for you to be on the Wharf all night alone? - Writer updates John on all of the trees. The English Walnut you planted is eight feet high, Devils Walking Stick is about seven feet high ..... - Mr. Alger took us all over to the Foundry to see a large boiler for a Steam Ship cast - Mother died, I arrived the second day after the funeral - Mr. Bray has been making me a pair of skates from a mismatched old pair he found in the house. He took off the runners, fixed them onto a pair of Mahogany soles which he cut out very nicely .... & More.
This batch of John Prince Knight. San Francisco California Letters is for sale on Ebay. If you want to have a look or place a bid just follow the links to Ebay.
38 Pre Civil War Handwritten Letters. Most to: John Prince Knight. San Francisco California. And a few to other family members in Massachusetts. From: Most from Family Members & a few friends. Most from Boston & a few from other cities like Brighton, Germantown and one from Burlington College. & few other cities 1850 - 1866. Most later 1850s to early 1860s. [ 18 with year dates either on postmarks or letterheads & 20 without year dates] Mentions In Part: Visiting & Visitors - Wine bottle broke in Franks hand quite badly across the palm while drawing the cork - Sarahs wedding anf who attended - Henry Baldwin out in Brighton is engaged to a Sheep Killers daughter - Sleighing has been good - There is to be an ? immense cast at the Foundry and we expect several friends over to see the sight - The Brother Cup is perfect both in shape & color I can't imagine how it could have come such a distance - Daisy and Anna are playing and shaking the table so I can't write - Baby Daisy has Lung Fever, Dr. Channing - Trips to Brighton Massachusetts and New York City - Lydia talks of having a Ambrotype taken soon - Mr. Hooker took his dinner to the Mill to be ready for the train - Social at the House, all you will need is plenty of Light, you have lamps enough for the whole house but we have no oil, the can is at the Mill, got the Church cookery - Gift of a rocking chair - Goat attacked by dogs, men to the rescue - Their old friend Capt. Thomson died of cancer - Sick in bed for a number of weeks - Lovely Easter & Easter Sunday with flowers - New family dog named Dash, followed our old potato man came to see us - We had the house illuminated one night. A splendid procession formed on this street just in front of the house. The firing of the Cannon shook the house and caused one of the little ? lamp to fall from a bar on one of the front windows in my room ....., I threw a clock and shawl over the flames without sucess..... - It is prudent for you to be on the Wharf all night alone? - Writer updates John on all of the trees. The English Walnut you planted is eight feet high, Devils Walking Stick is about seven feet high ..... - Mr. Alger took us all over to the Foundry to see a large boiler for a Steam Ship cast - Mother died, I arrived the second day after the funeral - Mr. Bray has been making me a pair of skates from a mismatched old pair he found in the house. He took off the runners, fixed them onto a pair of Mahogany soles which he cut out very nicely .... & More.
This batch of John Prince Knight. San Francisco California Letters is for sale on Ebay. If you want to have a look or place a bid just follow the links to Ebay.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Moses Jewett to David Jewett Massachusetts Letter
1799 WWeston Massachusetts Letter JEWETT Jaffrey NH MANN's TAVERN Item number: 300164522801
letter dated June 24, 1799 Weston, MA to David Jewett, Jaffrey, NH
Hand carried and in manuscript on the delivery side
"To be left at Mann's Tavern"
Letter is from Moses Jewett to David Jewett, his brother. He mentions wishing to send his Horse to New Ipswitch within three or four weeks when he'll be arriving there and to ride to David's house. He desires to have Mr. Crosby informed and have the horse sent there and "take care of her."
This Massachusetts letter is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
letter dated June 24, 1799 Weston, MA to David Jewett, Jaffrey, NH
Hand carried and in manuscript on the delivery side
"To be left at Mann's Tavern"
Letter is from Moses Jewett to David Jewett, his brother. He mentions wishing to send his Horse to New Ipswitch within three or four weeks when he'll be arriving there and to ride to David's house. He desires to have Mr. Crosby informed and have the horse sent there and "take care of her."
This Massachusetts letter is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
John H Greider Civil War Letter
1862 Manchester Tenn illustrated soldiers letter Ebay Item number: 280165030665
Manchester August 3rd from
John H Greider- no unit designation, to his sister.
I am no at Manchester Tennessee near the mountains-the rebels are with in 15 miles of us-we expect an...every day we have to stand ready for them-all the time we have a line of battle formed all the time day and night we have but very little rest now and besides that we have to go on picket duty every other night and besides that only half rashens-we have the hard times since we were in service-we are now detach to general smith devishen...to previde for his man like Negly did but I hope we will soon get to him again. but smith is a better general than negly is....the resen we got only half rashens was that battle at muffortsborro and the rebels burnd that bridge... you need not look for me insight a year. captured 1100 barrels of flower from the rebels at this town.
This John H Greider Civil War Letter is for sale on Ebay. Just follow the links if you are interested.
Manchester August 3rd from
John H Greider- no unit designation, to his sister.
I am no at Manchester Tennessee near the mountains-the rebels are with in 15 miles of us-we expect an...every day we have to stand ready for them-all the time we have a line of battle formed all the time day and night we have but very little rest now and besides that we have to go on picket duty every other night and besides that only half rashens-we have the hard times since we were in service-we are now detach to general smith devishen...to previde for his man like Negly did but I hope we will soon get to him again. but smith is a better general than negly is....the resen we got only half rashens was that battle at muffortsborro and the rebels burnd that bridge... you need not look for me insight a year. captured 1100 barrels of flower from the rebels at this town.
This John H Greider Civil War Letter is for sale on Ebay. Just follow the links if you are interested.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hannah Osborne in Keene, NH to David Jewett, Jaffrey, NH
Letter from From Hannah Osborne in Keene, NH to David Jewett, Jaffrey, NH. The letter, though with a Keene postal, is datemarked Paris, NY,
JULY 4TH 1803!
In Part:
From Hannah Osborne writing her brother and send her regards, tells him she intends to see him and Hannah asks David to "make me seventy or eighty dollars" They have an extraordinary chance to by a farm home if we can make out a first payment. "If not we shall go to into black river cuntry (sic) as we have taken up land there."
This interesting old letter is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
JULY 4TH 1803!
In Part:
From Hannah Osborne writing her brother and send her regards, tells him she intends to see him and Hannah asks David to "make me seventy or eighty dollars" They have an extraordinary chance to by a farm home if we can make out a first payment. "If not we shall go to into black river cuntry (sic) as we have taken up land there."
This interesting old letter is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Morriss family Letters of Lynchburg, Va
Spanning a time period beginning 1920 thru 1930, 5 envelopes addressed to various Morriss family members of Lynchburg, Va. There is family gossip and much talk of investing and financial dealings. Some of the letters are handwritten and some typed.
One sample letter reads: Jan. 26, 1926. Dear Sisters, I have been intending to write you a few lines since my return, but have been putting it off from day to day as I have had no news of interest to write. I found everybody pretty well on my return and went to Va. Beach last Friday and ate New Years dinner with the family. All of them were there and they had a nice turkey for dinner. Emerson and Meyer came that morning. We had a joint note from Louise this A.M. saying they were all well. They left here last Sunday for Baltimore. Don't ever refer to what I told you in regard to the history of Louis's case to Etta or any one as it was told me as a secret, and it will do no good now to stir it up, just let it be a thing of the past and don't let Louis know that you know it. I guess she suffered enough over the matter. There will be a big banquet at Monticello Hotel Friday night which will be $5.00 a plate. We will have some distinguished speakers such as Gov. Trinkle, Gov. elect Byrd, some of the Admirals and others as well as good music and I judge good eats. I have applied for a reservation. I suppose you have seen in the papers about the fire in the Governors mansion in Richmond from a Christmas tree, they are dangerous things after they have been in a heated house a few days, if they should catch on fire they will burn as fast as any thing saturated with kerosene Oil, and there is no way to put them out without great damage to your building by flooding with water, so you had better get yours out as quick as possible. We have had rain here for several days. It is not raining today but is very warm and bad weather for colds and Pneumonia. Montie has had a bad cold but think he is getting better. I am glad to say I have been free of one so far and am feeling fine. Love to Preston and all. Aff. Your brother, E.W. Morriss
The Morriss family Letters of Lynchburg, Va Item number: 170160262330 are for sale on Ebay. If you would like to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
One sample letter reads: Jan. 26, 1926. Dear Sisters, I have been intending to write you a few lines since my return, but have been putting it off from day to day as I have had no news of interest to write. I found everybody pretty well on my return and went to Va. Beach last Friday and ate New Years dinner with the family. All of them were there and they had a nice turkey for dinner. Emerson and Meyer came that morning. We had a joint note from Louise this A.M. saying they were all well. They left here last Sunday for Baltimore. Don't ever refer to what I told you in regard to the history of Louis's case to Etta or any one as it was told me as a secret, and it will do no good now to stir it up, just let it be a thing of the past and don't let Louis know that you know it. I guess she suffered enough over the matter. There will be a big banquet at Monticello Hotel Friday night which will be $5.00 a plate. We will have some distinguished speakers such as Gov. Trinkle, Gov. elect Byrd, some of the Admirals and others as well as good music and I judge good eats. I have applied for a reservation. I suppose you have seen in the papers about the fire in the Governors mansion in Richmond from a Christmas tree, they are dangerous things after they have been in a heated house a few days, if they should catch on fire they will burn as fast as any thing saturated with kerosene Oil, and there is no way to put them out without great damage to your building by flooding with water, so you had better get yours out as quick as possible. We have had rain here for several days. It is not raining today but is very warm and bad weather for colds and Pneumonia. Montie has had a bad cold but think he is getting better. I am glad to say I have been free of one so far and am feeling fine. Love to Preston and all. Aff. Your brother, E.W. Morriss
The Morriss family Letters of Lynchburg, Va Item number: 170160262330 are for sale on Ebay. If you would like to bid just follow one of the links on this page.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Rockbridge County Virginia, Mary T. Miller
A woman named Mary T. Miller writes a poignant plea to a Rockbridge County board—probably for welfare assistance. Her writing is quite illiterate with many words misspelled.
“GENTLE MEN OF ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY WHO ATTEND TO THE POOR OF GOD’S EARTH: as I am one of that number, I hope you will do what is just and right by me as I am in bad health and can’t appear myself before you.
Please think of me one minute I waited on that sick(?) man that had known him whom was as helpless as an infant babe. If it was your mother or wife that lost her (?) 5 weeks and could not get rid of her burden, what would not you think this a just cause?
I am a mother of 4 little helpless children and a crippled husband. Please, I will be thankful for whatever you think right for me.
From Mary T. Miller
In care of my mother Margaret Thompson.
I hope you will accept her to tend to this for me.”
Written on reverse is “Mrs. Miller’s petition to board of O. D(?).
This Rockbridge County Virginia letter is for sale on Ebay if you want to take a look just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
A woman named Mary T. Miller writes a poignant plea to a Rockbridge County board—probably for welfare assistance. Her writing is quite illiterate with many words misspelled.
“GENTLE MEN OF ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY WHO ATTEND TO THE POOR OF GOD’S EARTH: as I am one of that number, I hope you will do what is just and right by me as I am in bad health and can’t appear myself before you.
Please think of me one minute I waited on that sick(?) man that had known him whom was as helpless as an infant babe. If it was your mother or wife that lost her (?) 5 weeks and could not get rid of her burden, what would not you think this a just cause?
I am a mother of 4 little helpless children and a crippled husband. Please, I will be thankful for whatever you think right for me.
From Mary T. Miller
In care of my mother Margaret Thompson.
I hope you will accept her to tend to this for me.”
Written on reverse is “Mrs. Miller’s petition to board of O. D(?).
This Rockbridge County Virginia letter is for sale on Ebay if you want to take a look just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Letter G. Barrington Richmond Pitkin
I found this interesting letter on Ebay. You can bid on it by following one of the links on this page.
“Great Barrington April 2, 183-
My Dear Budd,
In your last some three or four______ you said something very clever about a “brisk Correspondence” good! but the bad is you are so subject to changes…….As to Pegasus, he had done grandly without blanket or oats. One hundred lines more will make me four thousand, which work I tell you is grand or would be with a good sitting. You will hardly credit my judgment firstly on account of natural partiality, secondly writers of good judgment are known to be ill judges of their own works, and thirdly because I thought so well of my old poem. As to the former poem, I now see it but poor poetry but it has been an ample aid, a treasury where I had deposited many valuable and grand ideas and some as near original or will generally be found at the present day…….Well I say the poem is in a fine way, before it’s completion, I shall probably add a thousand lines more. 5,000 that will make a pretty volume. The subjects, as a work, are far from being trite, and it is connected in a chain something like Child Harold, which you pointed out for my imitation in plan. The Indian is the predominant character. I have added sixty more lines to the piece I sent you, which I think more lyric than the other stanzas. When you write make some remarks on these things that will aid me. I want much to know what your calculations are about coming home this summer, you must come here or I must go to you and fix the poem. I must have it prepared and out this year. I need the avails of it and I have no doubt it will win it’s way in the world and amount to something; though I am as still as a mouse. _______are impatient to have it out……..I am very sorry to inform you that Nash B. has not been home yet. Since he left here he has found bad associates and his “natural tastes” as you call it has got the ruins, and he has become in some measures intemperate, though he had persevered in abstinence for two years……..Summer’s have just lost a beautiful boy sixteen months old. I never saw any person so completely cut down at the loss of a little child as he is and I think the effect will be lastingly beneficial. The night before the funeral there were two watchers to watch with the corpse there. Summer called his family together with the watchers, knelt down and made a very fervent prayer with them, as one of the watchers stated. Should Summer be a Christian he would be one with all is might, he is an Episcopalian…….I don’t know what you do to these Northerners down there for they all tell one story and that is a mighty fine one. Tis monstrous queer to blind so many eyes! Nor fairy gold could bury so many lies……(More on Nash)……I have not once attended meetings since you left here nor has there been much meeting to attend…..Our villagers are making their move today. John Russet takes the tavern and Beebe’s move opposite Mr. Burts. Mrs. House keeps a boarding house in the brick building south of the tavern. She has been very dangerously sick but is getting better…….Doctor Rogers inquired the other day whether you were publishing a paper and said you promised to send him some numbers. Your ever affectionate mother M.B. Pitkin…..162 lines remember!”
“Great Barrington April 2, 183-
My Dear Budd,
In your last some three or four______ you said something very clever about a “brisk Correspondence” good! but the bad is you are so subject to changes…….As to Pegasus, he had done grandly without blanket or oats. One hundred lines more will make me four thousand, which work I tell you is grand or would be with a good sitting. You will hardly credit my judgment firstly on account of natural partiality, secondly writers of good judgment are known to be ill judges of their own works, and thirdly because I thought so well of my old poem. As to the former poem, I now see it but poor poetry but it has been an ample aid, a treasury where I had deposited many valuable and grand ideas and some as near original or will generally be found at the present day…….Well I say the poem is in a fine way, before it’s completion, I shall probably add a thousand lines more. 5,000 that will make a pretty volume. The subjects, as a work, are far from being trite, and it is connected in a chain something like Child Harold, which you pointed out for my imitation in plan. The Indian is the predominant character. I have added sixty more lines to the piece I sent you, which I think more lyric than the other stanzas. When you write make some remarks on these things that will aid me. I want much to know what your calculations are about coming home this summer, you must come here or I must go to you and fix the poem. I must have it prepared and out this year. I need the avails of it and I have no doubt it will win it’s way in the world and amount to something; though I am as still as a mouse. _______are impatient to have it out……..I am very sorry to inform you that Nash B. has not been home yet. Since he left here he has found bad associates and his “natural tastes” as you call it has got the ruins, and he has become in some measures intemperate, though he had persevered in abstinence for two years……..Summer’s have just lost a beautiful boy sixteen months old. I never saw any person so completely cut down at the loss of a little child as he is and I think the effect will be lastingly beneficial. The night before the funeral there were two watchers to watch with the corpse there. Summer called his family together with the watchers, knelt down and made a very fervent prayer with them, as one of the watchers stated. Should Summer be a Christian he would be one with all is might, he is an Episcopalian…….I don’t know what you do to these Northerners down there for they all tell one story and that is a mighty fine one. Tis monstrous queer to blind so many eyes! Nor fairy gold could bury so many lies……(More on Nash)……I have not once attended meetings since you left here nor has there been much meeting to attend…..Our villagers are making their move today. John Russet takes the tavern and Beebe’s move opposite Mr. Burts. Mrs. House keeps a boarding house in the brick building south of the tavern. She has been very dangerously sick but is getting better…….Doctor Rogers inquired the other day whether you were publishing a paper and said you promised to send him some numbers. Your ever affectionate mother M.B. Pitkin…..162 lines remember!”
Sunday, October 14, 2007
David Jewett of Jaffrey, New Hampshire 1802
Burlington Vermont dated June 17, 1802. Addressed to David Jewett of Jaffrey, NH from Moses Jewett, his Brother. Letter regards enclosing a twenty dollar bank note, thinks the money was stolen in the mail – he just returned from Canada – Talks of supplying leather and a “load of harness and some bridle leather…and shall trade with then for the usual credit…” He sold his horse for sixty dollars…”
This letter is for sale on Ebay, Item number: 300159529184. If it is of intrest to you for your genealogy, you can bid on it. Just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
This letter is for sale on Ebay, Item number: 300159529184. If it is of intrest to you for your genealogy, you can bid on it. Just follow one of the links to Ebay on this page.
Monday, October 08, 2007
HENRY WALLER SURVEYOR - 5 LETTERS - 1840S Item number: 260168648165
LETTERS PERTAINING TO HENRY WALLER - CIVIL ENGINEER IN NEW ORLEANS, ETC. - 1. Four Page Letter Dated July 7, 1843 New York - From Joseph Waller to Henry Waller at Donaldsonville, Paris of Ascension, La. - Regarding Family Matters - 2. Four Page Letter from Mother in New Orleans to Henry Waller at Land Office Donaldsonville, Dated March 16, 1845 - Family Matters - Caring for very sick daughter, etc. - 3. Letter Postmarked "Steam 5" - Addressed to Henry Waller - State Engineers Office - New Orleans, Dated March 9, 1846 - On Steamer Clinton From Brother William - Regarding Survey Business & Prospects for work - 4. Letter Addressed to Henry Waller, Asst. State Engineer, New Orleans - Baton Rouge - Dated March 20.1846 with "Steam 5" Cancellation Postmark - Regarding Family Matters & Surveying Business - 5. Draft of a Letter to Hon. Henry Johnson, Washington City - from Henry Waller for appointment of Survey General of Louisiana - Mentions references of General Taylor and his experiences of three and half years etc.
The letters are for sale on Ebay. If you are interested just follow one of the links on this page.
LETTERS PERTAINING TO HENRY WALLER - CIVIL ENGINEER IN NEW ORLEANS, ETC. - 1. Four Page Letter Dated July 7, 1843 New York - From Joseph Waller to Henry Waller at Donaldsonville, Paris of Ascension, La. - Regarding Family Matters - 2. Four Page Letter from Mother in New Orleans to Henry Waller at Land Office Donaldsonville, Dated March 16, 1845 - Family Matters - Caring for very sick daughter, etc. - 3. Letter Postmarked "Steam 5" - Addressed to Henry Waller - State Engineers Office - New Orleans, Dated March 9, 1846 - On Steamer Clinton From Brother William - Regarding Survey Business & Prospects for work - 4. Letter Addressed to Henry Waller, Asst. State Engineer, New Orleans - Baton Rouge - Dated March 20.1846 with "Steam 5" Cancellation Postmark - Regarding Family Matters & Surveying Business - 5. Draft of a Letter to Hon. Henry Johnson, Washington City - from Henry Waller for appointment of Survey General of Louisiana - Mentions references of General Taylor and his experiences of three and half years etc.
The letters are for sale on Ebay. If you are interested just follow one of the links on this page.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Handwritten Maine Family Letters - Correspondence. Most To: "Dear Sister" Janette Bailey Chandler. Most from: "Sister Nancy" Bailey. Some from Sands Bailey, Daggett & Others. Most from Cambridge Maine. a few from Amesbury, Green Corners and other Maine locations. 1861 - 1889. Most in 1870s. Mentions In Part: Anne did not come with us. She did not wish to leave Maine, therefore stopped at Lewis Woods in Winthrop giving lessons on the Melodrum - Headstones - Prayer Meetings - Wm Collins suicide - Making over our old dresses - It seems to bad when so near and you have a good team that you can not come - Sends you the little bottle of Preserves to remember her - Issiah has two singing schools besides his daily labor in the store - Louista impending Amputation - My left arm cannot do anything hard because it pulls hard on the kidney - P.M.B. from Boston & two of this place had her limb Amputated just a little above the knee& you can better imagine than I can tell how ? tending the scene. She took ether but still a disturbing moan was heard all over the house, it did seem to me I could not endure it. Writer goes on to write about the following days after the amputation...... she was suddenly taken of violent coughing and vomiting ......all exhausted grew cold, all the extremities arms and leg, death ......the physicians all night working with all their power resides all the rest of us warming cloths and rubbing applying a battery and all was cold as death and like it ? her fingers turned stiff & pale as death & the most disturbing scene I have ever witnessed - [the next day] Levista seems better & her physician thinks she is as well as can be expected, like raising the dead - Influenza which prevails in this place - The doctors are the greatest Humbugery of the age, they didn't know enough to know their ignorance - Sleighing - Made pudding and gingerbread - They are attending yearly meeting at New Port RI - I sent some silk to have a bonnet made by Levesta, I don't care if tis a Quaker - Minister C.R. Daggett [Duggett?] with us now and boarding - Fathers Death - Bottle of Medicine duly received - Mothers Death and description.
This bunch of Bailey family letters is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid on it you can follow one of the links on this page.
Handwritten Maine Family Letters - Correspondence. Most To: "Dear Sister" Janette Bailey Chandler. Most from: "Sister Nancy" Bailey. Some from Sands Bailey, Daggett & Others. Most from Cambridge Maine. a few from Amesbury, Green Corners and other Maine locations. 1861 - 1889. Most in 1870s. Mentions In Part: Anne did not come with us. She did not wish to leave Maine, therefore stopped at Lewis Woods in Winthrop giving lessons on the Melodrum - Headstones - Prayer Meetings - Wm Collins suicide - Making over our old dresses - It seems to bad when so near and you have a good team that you can not come - Sends you the little bottle of Preserves to remember her - Issiah has two singing schools besides his daily labor in the store - Louista impending Amputation - My left arm cannot do anything hard because it pulls hard on the kidney - P.M.B. from Boston & two of this place had her limb Amputated just a little above the knee& you can better imagine than I can tell how ? tending the scene. She took ether but still a disturbing moan was heard all over the house, it did seem to me I could not endure it. Writer goes on to write about the following days after the amputation...... she was suddenly taken of violent coughing and vomiting ......all exhausted grew cold, all the extremities arms and leg, death ......the physicians all night working with all their power resides all the rest of us warming cloths and rubbing applying a battery and all was cold as death and like it ? her fingers turned stiff & pale as death & the most disturbing scene I have ever witnessed - [the next day] Levista seems better & her physician thinks she is as well as can be expected, like raising the dead - Influenza which prevails in this place - The doctors are the greatest Humbugery of the age, they didn't know enough to know their ignorance - Sleighing - Made pudding and gingerbread - They are attending yearly meeting at New Port RI - I sent some silk to have a bonnet made by Levesta, I don't care if tis a Quaker - Minister C.R. Daggett [Duggett?] with us now and boarding - Fathers Death - Bottle of Medicine duly received - Mothers Death and description.
This bunch of Bailey family letters is for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid on it you can follow one of the links on this page.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Letters To Doctor John S. Barret is in Aylett Virginia
2 Handwritten Stampless Letters Aylett Virginia Barret
1835 Wagon Trip w Slaves/Indian Springs/Alabama/DETAILS Item number: 180163133110
“Monday Nov. 9th, 1835 Pitsylvania Woods
Dear Father,
By this time I presume you are forming conjectures as to how we are proceeding, where being, how faring &c. In few words, I’ll give a history of our journey. We left Ampthill (Virginia I’m assuming) on Tuesday the 3rd and traveled about 18 miles that day. I was soon aware of the extravagant estimate I had found of that rate at which we would proceed. Instead of thirty, I will gladly compromise with 20 miles average per day. We sometimes go over and sometimes under 20. I suppose on average thus far is a little over the 20 miles as we are now encamped about 9 miles from Danville being 7 days from Ampthill.
http://www.visitdanville.com/page.asp?menuid=3341&sub1menuid=4441 But we have had no interruption. The weather pleasant and the roads fine. Until last night we have passed the sights pleasantly, all things considered. The first rain we have encountered commenced last night just as we had pitched our tent and continued through the night. Most of the time in torrents. Our tent resisted tolerably and the little wagon better than I expected. We got a sprinkling but are doing well. Just preparing to devour our boiled middling and bread……(He goes on talking about hunting squirrels to eat, what food they do have and how they prepare it, then….) By the by, you have no idea what a cook I have in the mess. William astonishes me by his dexterity in the art. From souping killdeers down to baking bread. He is perfectly at home. I shall take him to Orleans and hire him to some Frenchman as one deeper in the mysteries. The boys all stand the journey well and continue cheerful. Indeed their only thought seems to be a belly full of vitals. Mason and William send their love to mother and father and all say they are healthy and want to see all but wouldn’t turn back. Corbin and Robert send the same message to their parents and friends. Peter sends his love to mammy and daddy, master and mistress and says good bye! I had no idea of the futility and improved state of this section of the country until I reached Charlotte, the ridge on which I traveled presumed but a barren spectacle. But thence southward, the lands seem better and better. The tobacco lots large, the wheat fields green. I passed some today which entirely covered the ground. Tobacco is the principal, wheat the second staple of the country……..Perhaps you’d like to trace me as I go. If so I’ll give you the route. By Amelia, C.H. Jennings, Barks, Moore, Keysville, Moseley’s Ferry, Danville Va, Salisbury, Charlotte, N. Carolina, Yorkville, Pinckneyville, Union C.H., Lawrence C.H. Abberville C.H., S. Carolina, Washington, Greensborough, Monticello, Indian Springs, Columbus Ga., Montgomery,_______, Claiborne Ala…..Tell my mother that my next shall be to her but till I write she may take half of this to herself. I am writing by firelight, seated on a knapsack, the paper upon my knee. Therefore you must make allowances……Farewell! B.T. Barret.”
“Indian Springs Geo. Nov. 30th, 1835
Dear Father,
I again make an effort to convey to you tidings of our progress. Another week has elapsed since communicating with my friends. That communication was directed to Edward Mosby with a request that he would inform you of its receipt and report progress. I take for granted he has done so. But for a rule laid down at starting via to write at least once a week. I think it now than probable that I should suffer at last a couple to pass without taking pen in hand and pen upon knee. I think during the day of many things of which I wish to write and determine to do so at night but when night comes so weary am I that writing then becomes a task indeed……..My last letter I think was dated from a place some forty miles back in S. Carolina. Since then we have measured upwards of 120 of Georgia miles. My letter was dated Tuesday, but you will perceive from my journal (a continuation of which I shall sojourn) that we did not get fairly under way till Wednesday, so that in six days we have accomplished the above named distances. We have had however, no interruption from bad weather or other causes. Nothing keeps pace with us except such as are lightly equipped and furnished for riding altogether. We have left behind several traders with their gangs and moving families westward bound. An old gentleman and his wife living in a light carryall, accompanied by a gentleman on horseback, have kept pace with us now three days and without accident. We shall arrive at Montgomery about the same time. I am happy to say that all hands of us (with one honorable acceptance) keep perfectly well. Mr. Meyo has burnt his foot or perhaps worn it out and in consequence makes but a lame hand at traveling. He refused positive to ride though a seat in the coach has been offered him. I fear father Hersey has been giving him a lecture and the sole of his foot is to be the price of his soul’s salvation. I shall have him tied in tomorrow; the sin be upon my head!!!..... (He then goes on to talk about the villages they pass and how expensive the price of provisions are. He said they are “Perfect buzzard’s roosts” )…..Besides the necessary and usual expenses of a journey, I find a pretty smart sum occurring on the score of ferriages and tolls. Every little rocky stream forty feet wide has its catch penny continuance and that on the dearest scale. These things are very fatiguing to a weak purse that opens every time with more and more reluctance. But it is to be hoped that this will not last always. Though three hundred and more long miles lie before us, yet, the weather favoring and no accident, we shall accomplish it in fifteen days more. We have progressed into the cotton region and I begin to have a better opinion of the crops than the one formed in North and South Carolina…..(more on the cotton and sugar cane crops)…..I should have had another surprise last evening on visiting the Indian Springs to find so pitiful a fountain, just in the back of two small rocky creeks. Much resembling that at Bakers ford in Louisa. At the foot of a large rock and through a small cleft, issues with almost imperceptible flow, this little spring. The cavity or reservoir into which it is received is triangular and well contained at most, 3 pints. I found handsome buildings for the temporary accommodation of visitors in the summer months which of course are now shut up. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/1954/ Upon enquiry I learnt that the latest proprietor who broke and had deserted the place, or rather absconded, whether in consequence of bad management or not receiving sufficient patronage to support the expense of the establishment, my informant could not say. I was tempted to put my bill into the clear little basin and take a suck but soon drew it out again. The water departed an oily feeling to the mouth and smelt much like the washing of a dirty gown. I cold only swallow it as medicine…….My love to mother, to Mavey, Colby, Jack, June and my little Morey. To all friends black and white. The boys continue well and in good spirits and are much cheered by the Negroes telling them how much they make from their own cotton. They are more impatient to be employed than I ever have seen them so. They send a heap of love to mammies and daddies and to the white family…..Farewell, Yours affectionately B.T. Barret. The pedestrian Methodist preacher.”
On the outside of this last letter he also writes “The tin rubs off and causes the dirty appearance of my letter.”
Doctor John S. Barret is in Aylett Virginia
You can bid on this item on Ebay. Just follow one of the links on this page.
1835 Wagon Trip w Slaves/Indian Springs/Alabama/DETAILS Item number: 180163133110
“Monday Nov. 9th, 1835 Pitsylvania Woods
Dear Father,
By this time I presume you are forming conjectures as to how we are proceeding, where being, how faring &c. In few words, I’ll give a history of our journey. We left Ampthill (Virginia I’m assuming) on Tuesday the 3rd and traveled about 18 miles that day. I was soon aware of the extravagant estimate I had found of that rate at which we would proceed. Instead of thirty, I will gladly compromise with 20 miles average per day. We sometimes go over and sometimes under 20. I suppose on average thus far is a little over the 20 miles as we are now encamped about 9 miles from Danville being 7 days from Ampthill.
http://www.visitdanville.com/page.asp?menuid=3341&sub1menuid=4441 But we have had no interruption. The weather pleasant and the roads fine. Until last night we have passed the sights pleasantly, all things considered. The first rain we have encountered commenced last night just as we had pitched our tent and continued through the night. Most of the time in torrents. Our tent resisted tolerably and the little wagon better than I expected. We got a sprinkling but are doing well. Just preparing to devour our boiled middling and bread……(He goes on talking about hunting squirrels to eat, what food they do have and how they prepare it, then….) By the by, you have no idea what a cook I have in the mess. William astonishes me by his dexterity in the art. From souping killdeers down to baking bread. He is perfectly at home. I shall take him to Orleans and hire him to some Frenchman as one deeper in the mysteries. The boys all stand the journey well and continue cheerful. Indeed their only thought seems to be a belly full of vitals. Mason and William send their love to mother and father and all say they are healthy and want to see all but wouldn’t turn back. Corbin and Robert send the same message to their parents and friends. Peter sends his love to mammy and daddy, master and mistress and says good bye! I had no idea of the futility and improved state of this section of the country until I reached Charlotte, the ridge on which I traveled presumed but a barren spectacle. But thence southward, the lands seem better and better. The tobacco lots large, the wheat fields green. I passed some today which entirely covered the ground. Tobacco is the principal, wheat the second staple of the country……..Perhaps you’d like to trace me as I go. If so I’ll give you the route. By Amelia, C.H. Jennings, Barks, Moore, Keysville, Moseley’s Ferry, Danville Va, Salisbury, Charlotte, N. Carolina, Yorkville, Pinckneyville, Union C.H., Lawrence C.H. Abberville C.H., S. Carolina, Washington, Greensborough, Monticello, Indian Springs, Columbus Ga., Montgomery,_______, Claiborne Ala…..Tell my mother that my next shall be to her but till I write she may take half of this to herself. I am writing by firelight, seated on a knapsack, the paper upon my knee. Therefore you must make allowances……Farewell! B.T. Barret.”
“Indian Springs Geo. Nov. 30th, 1835
Dear Father,
I again make an effort to convey to you tidings of our progress. Another week has elapsed since communicating with my friends. That communication was directed to Edward Mosby with a request that he would inform you of its receipt and report progress. I take for granted he has done so. But for a rule laid down at starting via to write at least once a week. I think it now than probable that I should suffer at last a couple to pass without taking pen in hand and pen upon knee. I think during the day of many things of which I wish to write and determine to do so at night but when night comes so weary am I that writing then becomes a task indeed……..My last letter I think was dated from a place some forty miles back in S. Carolina. Since then we have measured upwards of 120 of Georgia miles. My letter was dated Tuesday, but you will perceive from my journal (a continuation of which I shall sojourn) that we did not get fairly under way till Wednesday, so that in six days we have accomplished the above named distances. We have had however, no interruption from bad weather or other causes. Nothing keeps pace with us except such as are lightly equipped and furnished for riding altogether. We have left behind several traders with their gangs and moving families westward bound. An old gentleman and his wife living in a light carryall, accompanied by a gentleman on horseback, have kept pace with us now three days and without accident. We shall arrive at Montgomery about the same time. I am happy to say that all hands of us (with one honorable acceptance) keep perfectly well. Mr. Meyo has burnt his foot or perhaps worn it out and in consequence makes but a lame hand at traveling. He refused positive to ride though a seat in the coach has been offered him. I fear father Hersey has been giving him a lecture and the sole of his foot is to be the price of his soul’s salvation. I shall have him tied in tomorrow; the sin be upon my head!!!..... (He then goes on to talk about the villages they pass and how expensive the price of provisions are. He said they are “Perfect buzzard’s roosts” )…..Besides the necessary and usual expenses of a journey, I find a pretty smart sum occurring on the score of ferriages and tolls. Every little rocky stream forty feet wide has its catch penny continuance and that on the dearest scale. These things are very fatiguing to a weak purse that opens every time with more and more reluctance. But it is to be hoped that this will not last always. Though three hundred and more long miles lie before us, yet, the weather favoring and no accident, we shall accomplish it in fifteen days more. We have progressed into the cotton region and I begin to have a better opinion of the crops than the one formed in North and South Carolina…..(more on the cotton and sugar cane crops)…..I should have had another surprise last evening on visiting the Indian Springs to find so pitiful a fountain, just in the back of two small rocky creeks. Much resembling that at Bakers ford in Louisa. At the foot of a large rock and through a small cleft, issues with almost imperceptible flow, this little spring. The cavity or reservoir into which it is received is triangular and well contained at most, 3 pints. I found handsome buildings for the temporary accommodation of visitors in the summer months which of course are now shut up. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/1954/ Upon enquiry I learnt that the latest proprietor who broke and had deserted the place, or rather absconded, whether in consequence of bad management or not receiving sufficient patronage to support the expense of the establishment, my informant could not say. I was tempted to put my bill into the clear little basin and take a suck but soon drew it out again. The water departed an oily feeling to the mouth and smelt much like the washing of a dirty gown. I cold only swallow it as medicine…….My love to mother, to Mavey, Colby, Jack, June and my little Morey. To all friends black and white. The boys continue well and in good spirits and are much cheered by the Negroes telling them how much they make from their own cotton. They are more impatient to be employed than I ever have seen them so. They send a heap of love to mammies and daddies and to the white family…..Farewell, Yours affectionately B.T. Barret. The pedestrian Methodist preacher.”
On the outside of this last letter he also writes “The tin rubs off and causes the dirty appearance of my letter.”
Doctor John S. Barret is in Aylett Virginia
You can bid on this item on Ebay. Just follow one of the links on this page.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
John Wesley Bristol England 1788 Letter
John Wesley letter dated Aug. 31, 1788 Item number: 260159987249
This letter is from John Wesley, co founder of the methodist church to Mr. Atlay. Dated Aug. 31. 1788, written in Bristol and sent to West Chapel London. Wesley is begging Mr Atlay to help Geo Whitfield instead of fighting him and mentions that Welsey's death is nothing to the purpose.
To bid on this or another genealogy item, click on E-Bay link on this blog
This letter is from John Wesley, co founder of the methodist church to Mr. Atlay. Dated Aug. 31. 1788, written in Bristol and sent to West Chapel London. Wesley is begging Mr Atlay to help Geo Whitfield instead of fighting him and mentions that Welsey's death is nothing to the purpose.
To bid on this or another genealogy item, click on E-Bay link on this blog
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Old documents dated 1907 New York, Albany Letters
old letters to and from Judge John Brady, founder of the childrens court in New York State. Most dated 1907. Two pictured from the New York Training school for girls in New York State from the superintendent. Also from an Attorney in New York State Frank E Wade, from Buffulo, New York
Item number: 200151251318
To bid on this or another genealogy item, click on E-Bay link on this blog
Item number: 200151251318
To bid on this or another genealogy item, click on E-Bay link on this blog
Sunday, September 09, 2007
American Red Cross Letter 1919 to Bertha Gilkeson, Pennsylvania
American Red Cross Letter 1919 to Miss Bertha V. Gilkeson, Pennsylvania about knitting for refugees
If you want to bid on this genealogy item or any other, just use the E-Bay links on this blog
Item number: 320154178058
If you want to bid on this genealogy item or any other, just use the E-Bay links on this blog
Item number: 320154178058
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
George Webb, Richmond Virginia in 1788
COLONIAL DOCUMENTS & LETTERS 1791-1817, Virginia, Washington DC
2 Original Letters to James Pleasants, 58 Slave Names Item number: 190148199134
These very old documents and letters concern a matter 900 pounds (plus) that went missing from monies collected a a George Webb, esq, in Richmond Virginia in 1788. He held the position as Continential Receiver of Taxes for the the city, and he was required to send certain monies due on to the Treasry of the US (Alexander Hamilton, Secty of the Treasury). 3 of the Letters are originals and the rest are attested copies made and withnessed and signed with dates in the early 1800's This missing money became a problem for Webb and his family and for the US Treasury and suits and Indentures were innitiated.
The first two longer document deal with Webbs claim to have this missing money reimbursed. Evidently the claim has gone to the Federal Govt. and these two document are copies made in the House of Representataive on August 8, l811. They are identical copies (different handwriting?) They cover several important documents on file, one of which gives Alexander Hamilton's opinion of the matter of reimbusement. He thinks the petition was filed too late from the time the moneies went missing and he has signed his opinion in l791. At the end a petition is copied and dated l798, for the matter to be submitted to a Congressional Committee
There is also reference to the fact that the monies collected from Va were kept in a iron chest of some sort. One of these documents seems older, with a fancier calligraphy, more crossouts, and more fragile than the other, but both are attested as copies made on August 8, 1822. Many signatures are contained and need research. Of the three original letters, two are addressed to James Pleasants and are dated 1815 and 1817 .
One is from George Webb's son Thomas Webb Lt. US Navy pleading his fathers case to Senator Pleasants and writing of the Webb families depleted circumstances. The 1817 one is from a David Ross. he refers to the "old business of Webbs" and suggests the claims of the US against Webb be settled by Congress. Ross is mintioned in the other material and reasearch of these documents will spell out exactly where he fits in. Note the postmark of Richmond and red seal of wax on the Webb letter. These two letters are dated and signed originals, written to a Senator Pleasants who served as a Congressman from 1811 to 1819 and then as Senator from 1819 to 1822. He was also Governor of Virginia from 1822-1825, after which he retired to his estate in Goochland County.
The third original letter is to a Mr. S. Burch from a William Kerr, Jr. and dated April 13th l824. this is about some 630 copies of the "Georgia Claim Documents" for the House of Respresentatives from a Senate copy." Although each member of the House was furnished with a copy, but a table was missing ad it will be sent up in the morning. Burch is mentioned in some of the other documents so again research has to tell the tale.
The 7 remaining documents are copies of other depositions, letters, affidavits, sworn statements etc. that were all needed in the suit by Webb for the missing money and also the suits against Webb by the US Government for the money that should have come to A. Hamilton as Treasurer.
Number 1 is Mr. Webbs Deposition written from NY Çity and signed Peyton Drew, 1811; (5 written pages)
2. "Mr Ronalds Deposition, a copy:" Ronalds talks about the fact that George Webb told him of the loss (robbery of the money about 800 pounds) and mentions a kinsman Foster Webb and a Major Damure, who probably took the money from the chest. He doesn't receommend that Webb have Damure apprehended because there is not enough proof.
3. & 4. The ink on this small docebb if they be found within your balliwick" and keep them safe to be brought before the county seat of Henrica the first Sunday in July to satisfy of suit of a David Ross and dated May 1788 and signed Adam Craif. It is reutrned to him a copy attested to. There is another doument just like it but with different money numbers in it
5. "Mr Morriss Certificate". This letter is a testament to the fact that George Webb was the receiver of Taxes for the state of Virginia appointed by Mr. Morris superintendent of Finances for the US and that he served until Nov. 1784 and possibly after. He support Webbs request for more compensation. Written from NY, Feb l9th, l789. It was copied by Peyton Drew in Feb l811.
6. "Foster Webb's Deposition A copy". It starts out "Virginia New Kent County Seat". Very interesting depositon about the stolen 900 + pounds. Apparently Foster Webb was employed by George Webb and the monies from Va. passed through his hands and was kept in the room where he slept. At the time of the robbery a Frederick de Demar resided at this house and was in poor health, a British Major, and likely the robber of the monies. Foster Webb signs it and Jos Forter and William H. Macon sign as takers of the deposition. Edmund Randolph the Gov. of Virginia also signs it. The copy was made and signed by Peyton Drew, DGD, the 12th fo July 1811. This deposition sets up the robbery by Demar.
7. "Webb to Webb, Deed Trust". This indenture was made on June 2, 1787, between George Webb, John Harvie, George Thompson and Foster WEbb. In short the doument states that the missing monies have not been paid to the US Treas. and shortly a suilt will be instituted for a bond signed by the above John Harrie. The amount at this point is 1500lbs and several other names are mentioned as tied up with George Webb. The document goes on to list Webb's assets in land where Geo WEbb Jr. now lives and his ownership of "58 Negro Slaves" all of which are listed by name The slaves live on two plantations on the listed acreage. It also lists cattle, hogs, tools etc. this goes on two more pages in legalese and is signed by George Webb and witness by Marshall McGraw Fucher and Price, 12th day of December l787, the copy made and signed by Peyton Drew
2 Original Letters to James Pleasants, 58 Slave Names Item number: 190148199134
These very old documents and letters concern a matter 900 pounds (plus) that went missing from monies collected a a George Webb, esq, in Richmond Virginia in 1788. He held the position as Continential Receiver of Taxes for the the city, and he was required to send certain monies due on to the Treasry of the US (Alexander Hamilton, Secty of the Treasury). 3 of the Letters are originals and the rest are attested copies made and withnessed and signed with dates in the early 1800's This missing money became a problem for Webb and his family and for the US Treasury and suits and Indentures were innitiated.
The first two longer document deal with Webbs claim to have this missing money reimbursed. Evidently the claim has gone to the Federal Govt. and these two document are copies made in the House of Representataive on August 8, l811. They are identical copies (different handwriting?) They cover several important documents on file, one of which gives Alexander Hamilton's opinion of the matter of reimbusement. He thinks the petition was filed too late from the time the moneies went missing and he has signed his opinion in l791. At the end a petition is copied and dated l798, for the matter to be submitted to a Congressional Committee
There is also reference to the fact that the monies collected from Va were kept in a iron chest of some sort. One of these documents seems older, with a fancier calligraphy, more crossouts, and more fragile than the other, but both are attested as copies made on August 8, 1822. Many signatures are contained and need research. Of the three original letters, two are addressed to James Pleasants and are dated 1815 and 1817 .
One is from George Webb's son Thomas Webb Lt. US Navy pleading his fathers case to Senator Pleasants and writing of the Webb families depleted circumstances. The 1817 one is from a David Ross. he refers to the "old business of Webbs" and suggests the claims of the US against Webb be settled by Congress. Ross is mintioned in the other material and reasearch of these documents will spell out exactly where he fits in. Note the postmark of Richmond and red seal of wax on the Webb letter. These two letters are dated and signed originals, written to a Senator Pleasants who served as a Congressman from 1811 to 1819 and then as Senator from 1819 to 1822. He was also Governor of Virginia from 1822-1825, after which he retired to his estate in Goochland County.
The third original letter is to a Mr. S. Burch from a William Kerr, Jr. and dated April 13th l824. this is about some 630 copies of the "Georgia Claim Documents" for the House of Respresentatives from a Senate copy." Although each member of the House was furnished with a copy, but a table was missing ad it will be sent up in the morning. Burch is mentioned in some of the other documents so again research has to tell the tale.
The 7 remaining documents are copies of other depositions, letters, affidavits, sworn statements etc. that were all needed in the suit by Webb for the missing money and also the suits against Webb by the US Government for the money that should have come to A. Hamilton as Treasurer.
Number 1 is Mr. Webbs Deposition written from NY Çity and signed Peyton Drew, 1811; (5 written pages)
2. "Mr Ronalds Deposition, a copy:" Ronalds talks about the fact that George Webb told him of the loss (robbery of the money about 800 pounds) and mentions a kinsman Foster Webb and a Major Damure, who probably took the money from the chest. He doesn't receommend that Webb have Damure apprehended because there is not enough proof.
3. & 4. The ink on this small docebb if they be found within your balliwick" and keep them safe to be brought before the county seat of Henrica the first Sunday in July to satisfy of suit of a David Ross and dated May 1788 and signed Adam Craif. It is reutrned to him a copy attested to. There is another doument just like it but with different money numbers in it
5. "Mr Morriss Certificate". This letter is a testament to the fact that George Webb was the receiver of Taxes for the state of Virginia appointed by Mr. Morris superintendent of Finances for the US and that he served until Nov. 1784 and possibly after. He support Webbs request for more compensation. Written from NY, Feb l9th, l789. It was copied by Peyton Drew in Feb l811.
6. "Foster Webb's Deposition A copy". It starts out "Virginia New Kent County Seat". Very interesting depositon about the stolen 900 + pounds. Apparently Foster Webb was employed by George Webb and the monies from Va. passed through his hands and was kept in the room where he slept. At the time of the robbery a Frederick de Demar resided at this house and was in poor health, a British Major, and likely the robber of the monies. Foster Webb signs it and Jos Forter and William H. Macon sign as takers of the deposition. Edmund Randolph the Gov. of Virginia also signs it. The copy was made and signed by Peyton Drew, DGD, the 12th fo July 1811. This deposition sets up the robbery by Demar.
7. "Webb to Webb, Deed Trust". This indenture was made on June 2, 1787, between George Webb, John Harvie, George Thompson and Foster WEbb. In short the doument states that the missing monies have not been paid to the US Treas. and shortly a suilt will be instituted for a bond signed by the above John Harrie. The amount at this point is 1500lbs and several other names are mentioned as tied up with George Webb. The document goes on to list Webb's assets in land where Geo WEbb Jr. now lives and his ownership of "58 Negro Slaves" all of which are listed by name The slaves live on two plantations on the listed acreage. It also lists cattle, hogs, tools etc. this goes on two more pages in legalese and is signed by George Webb and witness by Marshall McGraw Fucher and Price, 12th day of December l787, the copy made and signed by Peyton Drew
Thursday, August 30, 2007
With content letter Drunkards Society, Temperance Item number: 170142703705
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
1831-1846 Goss Family Letters - New Hampshire
Nice lot of 1831-1846 handwritten letters, mostly sent to Roxanna Goss of Gilford, Strafford County, New Hampshire from family members and friends. All but one with personl content. (15) pieces total -- (13) letters and two notes. Some with address covers -- four postally sent, including 1831 cover with manuscript Gilford Village N.H., Aug. 9. [See scan and info on Daniel Goss letter below.]
The writers include: Louisa C. Bickford, Alton; Abigail R. Hatch, Gilford; Joshua Goss; Elizabeth T. Hadley, West Camton [?]; J. M. Sargent, Danvers; Polly Berry, Strafford. An 1831 letter from her distraught brother, Daniel Goss, contains the sad news that his wife just died leaving four small children, including one that needs to go to a wet nurse.
Particularly enjoyable letters are the four, plus one note, 1840-41, from cousin Mary Ann Goss of Portsmouth, NH. In an 1840 letter she writes that she recently travelled from Alton to Portsmouth and drove every step of the way by herself, "and no accident occured."
c. Jan. 1841 note - "I have just been over and got your Wig. It is certainly a beauty...Oh how I wish I could run up and see how you look. Roxy you are a Whig now most assuredly. There is no mistake. Hurra for Old Tip. General Harrison must and will be elected."
Reformed Drunkards
Aug. 28, 1841, 2pp., quarto - "Oh! cousin Roxy the temperance cause goes ahead in this town, and indeed, all throughout the different states - Probably you have heard of the Washington Reformed Drunkards Society which was first formed in Baltimore. It consists chiefly of men who have been poor, degraded, drunkards, and have reformed and become sober, respectable men...their wives are no longer mortified with the disgraceful sight of their husbands reeling to and fro across the streets nor their children ashamed nor afraid to see their father come home."; "I wish you could hear them lecture. They expose any one no matter whether it is Lawyer, Doctor, Deacon, or Minister, who has any thing to do with Alcohol either in shape of Rum, Gin, Brandy or Whiskey Wine or Sherry - or whatever. The take the poor drunkard by the hand, raise him from the mud and dirt, take him to a room prepared for the purpose, have him cleaned, if he wants clothes give them to him...they then after he is perfectly sober persuade him to sign the pledge and send him to his family an altered man."
With content letter Drunkards Society, Temperance Item number: 170142703705
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
1831-1846 Goss Family Letters - New Hampshire
Nice lot of 1831-1846 handwritten letters, mostly sent to Roxanna Goss of Gilford, Strafford County, New Hampshire from family members and friends. All but one with personl content. (15) pieces total -- (13) letters and two notes. Some with address covers -- four postally sent, including 1831 cover with manuscript Gilford Village N.H., Aug. 9. [See scan and info on Daniel Goss letter below.]
The writers include: Louisa C. Bickford, Alton; Abigail R. Hatch, Gilford; Joshua Goss; Elizabeth T. Hadley, West Camton [?]; J. M. Sargent, Danvers; Polly Berry, Strafford. An 1831 letter from her distraught brother, Daniel Goss, contains the sad news that his wife just died leaving four small children, including one that needs to go to a wet nurse.
Particularly enjoyable letters are the four, plus one note, 1840-41, from cousin Mary Ann Goss of Portsmouth, NH. In an 1840 letter she writes that she recently travelled from Alton to Portsmouth and drove every step of the way by herself, "and no accident occured."
c. Jan. 1841 note - "I have just been over and got your Wig. It is certainly a beauty...Oh how I wish I could run up and see how you look. Roxy you are a Whig now most assuredly. There is no mistake. Hurra for Old Tip. General Harrison must and will be elected."
Reformed Drunkards
Aug. 28, 1841, 2pp., quarto - "Oh! cousin Roxy the temperance cause goes ahead in this town, and indeed, all throughout the different states - Probably you have heard of the Washington Reformed Drunkards Society which was first formed in Baltimore. It consists chiefly of men who have been poor, degraded, drunkards, and have reformed and become sober, respectable men...their wives are no longer mortified with the disgraceful sight of their husbands reeling to and fro across the streets nor their children ashamed nor afraid to see their father come home."; "I wish you could hear them lecture. They expose any one no matter whether it is Lawyer, Doctor, Deacon, or Minister, who has any thing to do with Alcohol either in shape of Rum, Gin, Brandy or Whiskey Wine or Sherry - or whatever. The take the poor drunkard by the hand, raise him from the mud and dirt, take him to a room prepared for the purpose, have him cleaned, if he wants clothes give them to him...they then after he is perfectly sober persuade him to sign the pledge and send him to his family an altered man."
Monday, August 27, 2007
Herbert W. Swan. Most to Shelburne Falls Massachusetts
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73 Total - [71] Handwritten Letters - Correspondence. [2] Typed. All To: H.[Herbert] W. Swan. Most to Shelburne Falls Massachusetts & a few Longwood Florida. From: Most from H.S. Swan [Father] Written on Family business Undertaker Furniture, Carpets & Paper Hanging Letterhead. Shelburne Falls Mass. Most of the letters are addressed from Boston MA. So Herbert Sr. had taken the letterhead stationery with him while in Massachusetts General Hospital recovering from a illness, possibly TB. Few letters from other family members & a few letters from Sr. in 1895 still running the business. 1891 & 1895. [65] 1891 Undertaker Stationery - [5] 1891 Waltham MA. & [3] 1895 Undertaker Stationery. The Son has taken over the family undertaker business. Letters Mention In Part: They have just carried out the Sailor that was brought in 3 or 4 days ago - The man that was shot by burglar was brought into the ward, he is getting along well - The fireman is getting along - Doctors names & treatments mentioned - Swollen tongue - Patients coming and going - Exercise the Colts - You can do the undertaking - Writer advising his son on the business - Keep the business going - My lung improving - Glad to hear the horses are doing swell do hope you will try to keep them quiet so you can depend upon them for a hearse team - New Horses - The fireman that fell 40 or 50 feet off of the Theater sometime ago is up walking - This morning is very warm but smokey we think from the Western Fires - No cough, feel first rate - Frank riding his wheel - We have a lively ward - If the Buggy is to much broken you can get the buggy in the Woodward barn - How is the papering business - [1895] Yesterday the Funeral of the Thayer baby, the snow was so deep we put it in the Tomb for now. We have a very good road to the tomb but no further, we used the hearse alll right - & More. VG Cond. Most w/ Envelopes. Most w/ Stamps
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
73 Total - [71] Handwritten Letters - Correspondence. [2] Typed. All To: H.[Herbert] W. Swan. Most to Shelburne Falls Massachusetts & a few Longwood Florida. From: Most from H.S. Swan [Father] Written on Family business Undertaker Furniture, Carpets & Paper Hanging Letterhead. Shelburne Falls Mass. Most of the letters are addressed from Boston MA. So Herbert Sr. had taken the letterhead stationery with him while in Massachusetts General Hospital recovering from a illness, possibly TB. Few letters from other family members & a few letters from Sr. in 1895 still running the business. 1891 & 1895. [65] 1891 Undertaker Stationery - [5] 1891 Waltham MA. & [3] 1895 Undertaker Stationery. The Son has taken over the family undertaker business. Letters Mention In Part: They have just carried out the Sailor that was brought in 3 or 4 days ago - The man that was shot by burglar was brought into the ward, he is getting along well - The fireman is getting along - Doctors names & treatments mentioned - Swollen tongue - Patients coming and going - Exercise the Colts - You can do the undertaking - Writer advising his son on the business - Keep the business going - My lung improving - Glad to hear the horses are doing swell do hope you will try to keep them quiet so you can depend upon them for a hearse team - New Horses - The fireman that fell 40 or 50 feet off of the Theater sometime ago is up walking - This morning is very warm but smokey we think from the Western Fires - No cough, feel first rate - Frank riding his wheel - We have a lively ward - If the Buggy is to much broken you can get the buggy in the Woodward barn - How is the papering business - [1895] Yesterday the Funeral of the Thayer baby, the snow was so deep we put it in the Tomb for now. We have a very good road to the tomb but no further, we used the hearse alll right - & More. VG Cond. Most w/ Envelopes. Most w/ Stamps
Friday, August 24, 2007
Charleston, South Carolina Letters
Lot of over 20 Documents 19th Century Charleston SC ! Item number: 200143571410
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This is really a fascinating grouping of antebellum through late 19th century attorney's papers from the historic "Holy City" of Charleston, South Carolina. I've listed this as over twenty pieces, but actually I counted up to about 30. Many individual papers are attached and grouped together. It seems this little cache originated with one of the many lawyers in Charleston working from just prior to the American Civil War (yes, I refer to it as well as the War of Northern Aggression) up through the end of the 1800's. One letterhead references the firm of Simons, Siegling, and Capelmann at 46-48 Broad Street. One of these documents references Thomas F. Purse of the city who, interestingly, is found (not in these papers) purchasing slaves from a free black woman of Charleston in 1831 (ref. Larry Koger: Free Black Masters in SC). In these documents pertain to Purse as well as "The Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Phillips vs. William Purse," and includes a hand drawn plat of the "public square" at Broad and Meeting Streets, along with a brief history of a lot (#71 Broad) which was in dispute. This William Purse, I would assume, is the 18th and early 19th century Charleston silversmith. There are tax records included, also another hand drawn plat and papers pertaining to the "village of New Summerville" in 1856. Another interesting document is headed "United States of American vs. Sixty Seven Barrels Distilled Spirits," a 19th century South Carolina distillery. Another hand drawn plat shows lots on Meeting and Wolfe Street. There is really a huge amount of material here, more than I can sort through without a better working knowledge of Charleston family and place names.
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
This is really a fascinating grouping of antebellum through late 19th century attorney's papers from the historic "Holy City" of Charleston, South Carolina. I've listed this as over twenty pieces, but actually I counted up to about 30. Many individual papers are attached and grouped together. It seems this little cache originated with one of the many lawyers in Charleston working from just prior to the American Civil War (yes, I refer to it as well as the War of Northern Aggression) up through the end of the 1800's. One letterhead references the firm of Simons, Siegling, and Capelmann at 46-48 Broad Street. One of these documents references Thomas F. Purse of the city who, interestingly, is found (not in these papers) purchasing slaves from a free black woman of Charleston in 1831 (ref. Larry Koger: Free Black Masters in SC). In these documents pertain to Purse as well as "The Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Phillips vs. William Purse," and includes a hand drawn plat of the "public square" at Broad and Meeting Streets, along with a brief history of a lot (#71 Broad) which was in dispute. This William Purse, I would assume, is the 18th and early 19th century Charleston silversmith. There are tax records included, also another hand drawn plat and papers pertaining to the "village of New Summerville" in 1856. Another interesting document is headed "United States of American vs. Sixty Seven Barrels Distilled Spirits," a 19th century South Carolina distillery. Another hand drawn plat shows lots on Meeting and Wolfe Street. There is really a huge amount of material here, more than I can sort through without a better working knowledge of Charleston family and place names.
1873 Williamsport Thomas Morgan
1873 Williamsport PA Overseer Poor Distr Court Document Item number: 220141990470
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This listing consists of a legal paper size, 1873/1874 court document, Michael OConner vs The Overseers of the Poor of the City of Williamsport. All handwritten. Some of it states: abt Plff claims for boarding 1873 Williamsport Thomas Morgan a Pauper of the City of Williamsport. Demand $36 at the instance of Deft continued to ..............................Parties appear Michael OConner sev. John McGrath sev., A.R. Moore sev., David Trainer (?_ sev. dontined to pay.......P.(?) A. Borman held in the sum of one hundred dollars conditioned for the payment of all costs ........Signed by George A Cramer, Alderman & his handwritten seal. More handwriting on back when folded.
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
This listing consists of a legal paper size, 1873/1874 court document, Michael OConner vs The Overseers of the Poor of the City of Williamsport. All handwritten. Some of it states: abt Plff claims for boarding 1873 Williamsport Thomas Morgan a Pauper of the City of Williamsport. Demand $36 at the instance of Deft continued to ..............................Parties appear Michael OConner sev. John McGrath sev., A.R. Moore sev., David Trainer (?_ sev. dontined to pay.......P.(?) A. Borman held in the sum of one hundred dollars conditioned for the payment of all costs ........Signed by George A Cramer, Alderman & his handwritten seal. More handwriting on back when folded.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Charley Hopkinson 1871 Great Chicago Fire Letter
1871 Great Chicago Fire Letter on ICRR Co Lettersheet Item number: 190143027346
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Very Nice Original Nov.13th,1871 Great Chicago Fire Letter from A Worker at The Illinois Central Railroad Company.This letter was mailed back to Maine and tells about the rebuilding of Chicago, about a month after the great fire.The letter states how rapidity buildings are being put up again,how a friend Dr. Hanson was not burned out, how another friend [Charley Hopkinson] is making at his brick laying and doing well, plus family news. In very good condition with small tear to right center fold mark,see pictures,measuring about 7 5/8" wide x 9 7/8" long and written in black ink front and backside of the lettersheet. Great addition to all original Chicago Great Fire Historical Memorabilia collections.
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
Very Nice Original Nov.13th,1871 Great Chicago Fire Letter from A Worker at The Illinois Central Railroad Company.This letter was mailed back to Maine and tells about the rebuilding of Chicago, about a month after the great fire.The letter states how rapidity buildings are being put up again,how a friend Dr. Hanson was not burned out, how another friend [Charley Hopkinson] is making at his brick laying and doing well, plus family news. In very good condition with small tear to right center fold mark,see pictures,measuring about 7 5/8" wide x 9 7/8" long and written in black ink front and backside of the lettersheet. Great addition to all original Chicago Great Fire Historical Memorabilia collections.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
OLD WEST KANSAS FEVER - U of M ANNOUNCEMENT Item number: 330156730187
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16 Total Handwritten Michigan Letters - Correspondence. Pre Civil War And Beyond. Most Pre Civil War 1856 - 1868. one undated & one incomplete[ no closing] Family & Friends. To: Mahlon A. Smith, Louise Reddick Smith & Helen. From: Louise Reddick, Brother J.B. Reddick, Corrine B. Smith, Helen S. DeLander [?], Will, B. Smith & Mother. From the cities of: Grand Rapids, Jackson, Albion, Girard, Niles & Sharon Michigan. Also Extras: [1] Newspaper poem clipping - [1] Pre Civil War 1860 Clever Fellows Festival, Wesleyan Seminary Albion Michigan Reunion Announcement & [1] Chi Psi Fraternity Anniversary, Michigan University 1853 Announcement. Letters Mention In Part: Teaching positions - Train travel - Hauling brick to the depot - Piano music piece "Old Old Home" - Friends and Family news - Albion commencement, I will be in Ann Arbor in June. Dearest friend of my school days writting from Dr. Tuttles - Took the Omnibus ? the Union School, splendid building, beautifully located - At Albion found Elder Cogshall at the depot, took tea - Fine time at the Society - I thought you might not receive as many Valentines this year - School teaching - Preparing Father & Brother for a journey to Kansas - The Kansas Fever, for such I may style it. I presume is common in your part of the state, a number have left from Niles and more intend to going though none have joined the Company organized in the eastern part of the state, many will be discouraged and return from the unsettled condition [1856] & More. Most VG Cond. Most w/ envelopes - some stamps
OLD WEST KANSAS FEVER - U of M ANNOUNCEMENT Item number: 330156730187
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
16 Total Handwritten Michigan Letters - Correspondence. Pre Civil War And Beyond. Most Pre Civil War 1856 - 1868. one undated & one incomplete[ no closing] Family & Friends. To: Mahlon A. Smith, Louise Reddick Smith & Helen. From: Louise Reddick, Brother J.B. Reddick, Corrine B. Smith, Helen S. DeLander [?], Will, B. Smith & Mother. From the cities of: Grand Rapids, Jackson, Albion, Girard, Niles & Sharon Michigan. Also Extras: [1] Newspaper poem clipping - [1] Pre Civil War 1860 Clever Fellows Festival, Wesleyan Seminary Albion Michigan Reunion Announcement & [1] Chi Psi Fraternity Anniversary, Michigan University 1853 Announcement. Letters Mention In Part: Teaching positions - Train travel - Hauling brick to the depot - Piano music piece "Old Old Home" - Friends and Family news - Albion commencement, I will be in Ann Arbor in June. Dearest friend of my school days writting from Dr. Tuttles - Took the Omnibus ? the Union School, splendid building, beautifully located - At Albion found Elder Cogshall at the depot, took tea - Fine time at the Society - I thought you might not receive as many Valentines this year - School teaching - Preparing Father & Brother for a journey to Kansas - The Kansas Fever, for such I may style it. I presume is common in your part of the state, a number have left from Niles and more intend to going though none have joined the Company organized in the eastern part of the state, many will be discouraged and return from the unsettled condition [1856] & More. Most VG Cond. Most w/ envelopes - some stamps
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Charles Brogli of Jessamine County State of Kentucky; Ida Troxtell of Newport State of Kentucky
1914 framed ornate Marriage Certificate, Kentucky Item number: 130144055378
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Today's marriage licenses are rather sterile, kind of like driver's licenses. This certificate shows that in Kentucky, in 1914, marriage was indeed a joyous union! The large "Certificate of Marriage" is quite ornate, bordered in white lace with lace rosettes at each corner featuring blue ribbon bows. Below the litho's title is a wedding bell surrounded by flocks of doves and angels, flanked by cartouches featuring pastoral scenes. Reading "This Certifies That Charles Brogli of Jessamine County State of Kentucky; Ida Troxtell of Newport State of Kentucky were by me UNITED IN MARRIAGE according to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of Kentucky at Lexington on the 25th day of March A. D. 1914. s/ Chas. P. Dodd, J. P. Flo., Witnesses: Chas. Finnell, Lena Ballard". All of this is amid a garden of flowers, of which I recognize roses, lilies-of-the-valley, and dogwood. The frame is about thirteen and one-half by nineteen inches. The lithograph is identified by its maker in the lower left corner below the lace rosette, but "Chicago, Ill." is visible. The ink is severely faded and fully legible only with an alternate light source or when viewed in moderate level light at a low angle.
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
Today's marriage licenses are rather sterile, kind of like driver's licenses. This certificate shows that in Kentucky, in 1914, marriage was indeed a joyous union! The large "Certificate of Marriage" is quite ornate, bordered in white lace with lace rosettes at each corner featuring blue ribbon bows. Below the litho's title is a wedding bell surrounded by flocks of doves and angels, flanked by cartouches featuring pastoral scenes. Reading "This Certifies That Charles Brogli of Jessamine County State of Kentucky; Ida Troxtell of Newport State of Kentucky were by me UNITED IN MARRIAGE according to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of Kentucky at Lexington on the 25th day of March A. D. 1914. s/ Chas. P. Dodd, J. P. Flo., Witnesses: Chas. Finnell, Lena Ballard". All of this is amid a garden of flowers, of which I recognize roses, lilies-of-the-valley, and dogwood. The frame is about thirteen and one-half by nineteen inches. The lithograph is identified by its maker in the lower left corner below the lace rosette, but "Chicago, Ill." is visible. The ink is severely faded and fully legible only with an alternate light source or when viewed in moderate level light at a low angle.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Item number: 330155371957
End time: Aug-18-07 19:00:00 PDT
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28 Total - Handwritten New York Family Letters - Correspondence. To & From Sister Cora
5 Total Cazenovia Seminary School one poor cond. completely separated along a fold & or Mini. Brother Justus Allen Van Denson.
23 Total Sprout Brooks New York
1887 - 1888. Mentions In Part: Local people mentioned - Tied my horse being his wagon
- Church picnic, George put up an awning on the East side of the Church to shelter the table and lunches were placed in front, cut a watermelon on or near the horse block, SBB Band was an attendance, collection over $14.00
- Future travels - Rev. to stop at Fort Plain on his return trip West - Washington Birthday Party at the Hotel in Springfield & M.E. Society at SB on the same day
- We put in two hard days in the Mill filling orders for foundation for export
- Wednesday there is to be a Democratic Rally at Sharon, SB Band is invited and Friday the J.D. Wendell Republican Club is invited
- Fort Plain a big time was reported, three bands and six drum Corps said to have been over 2000 men in line - Blind Tom to be at Fort Plain
- Young Gilbert, man on Mrs. Buttons farm had his foot taken off in a threshing machine, step down ? the table of the machine while it was in motion, fell, left foot going into the cylinder ........... Dr. Snuallin of Canajoharie was called and finished the job taking it off about halfway up the knee
- Festivals - Did you see the eclipse of the moon, presume you were all out on the roof
- Col. F.T. Copeland is lecturing at Fort Plain 'Handsome People" - Local towns mentioned
- Returned on the Stage [coach] - J.D. Wendell Republican Club dress parade, about 22 inline with suits and torches L.E.B hold of the drum
- Parties - Old Students here for social - Wedding attended - Croquet playing - Young Ladies and Gentlemen could walk, talk or play games on the lawn - Some students & professors names mentioned
Item number: 330155371957
End time: Aug-18-07 19:00:00 PDT
To bid on this auction for old ancestor letters, click on the E-Bay banner and type in the Item Number in the E-Bay search engine
28 Total - Handwritten New York Family Letters - Correspondence. To & From Sister Cora
5 Total Cazenovia Seminary School one poor cond. completely separated along a fold & or Mini. Brother Justus Allen Van Denson.
23 Total Sprout Brooks New York
1887 - 1888. Mentions In Part: Local people mentioned - Tied my horse being his wagon
- Church picnic, George put up an awning on the East side of the Church to shelter the table and lunches were placed in front, cut a watermelon on or near the horse block, SBB Band was an attendance, collection over $14.00
- Future travels - Rev. to stop at Fort Plain on his return trip West - Washington Birthday Party at the Hotel in Springfield & M.E. Society at SB on the same day
- We put in two hard days in the Mill filling orders for foundation for export
- Wednesday there is to be a Democratic Rally at Sharon, SB Band is invited and Friday the J.D. Wendell Republican Club is invited
- Fort Plain a big time was reported, three bands and six drum Corps said to have been over 2000 men in line - Blind Tom to be at Fort Plain
- Young Gilbert, man on Mrs. Buttons farm had his foot taken off in a threshing machine, step down ? the table of the machine while it was in motion, fell, left foot going into the cylinder ........... Dr. Snuallin of Canajoharie was called and finished the job taking it off about halfway up the knee
- Festivals - Did you see the eclipse of the moon, presume you were all out on the roof
- Col. F.T. Copeland is lecturing at Fort Plain 'Handsome People" - Local towns mentioned
- Returned on the Stage [coach] - J.D. Wendell Republican Club dress parade, about 22 inline with suits and torches L.E.B hold of the drum
- Parties - Old Students here for social - Wedding attended - Croquet playing - Young Ladies and Gentlemen could walk, talk or play games on the lawn - Some students & professors names mentioned
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
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